Monday, October 29, 2012

Babs or Maya: Which would you choose?

This is not a post about my 30 Before 30, but it falls along the same lines.  I'm also feeling extremely inspired at the moment, for completely understandable reasons, which is why I feel it is necessary to write of these evenings events.

A few weeks ago I went to choir practice and Checo told us that he recently had a big decision he had to make that he agonized over for a while.  Apparently in one day he was contacted by two separate people, each asking to have the choir perform in a ridiculous epic event. Unfortunately both of the events were taking place on the same night.  Checo was left to make a very difficult decision: Does he sign us up to do sing some back-up for the one and only Barbra Streisand OR does he sign up up to open for the legendary Dr. Maya Angelou.  As he was saying this to us, the decision was clear in mind.  I knew as well as he did that we are a Soul Gospel Choir, which is why it made perfect sense that the next words out of his mouth were "I had to go with my girl, Maya!"

Yes, you did Checo!  And I couldn't be more grateful for your decision.  As awesome as it would have been to sing with Barbra, it would not be the life-changing experience that this evening was.  Doing some Oooooos and Ahhhhhhs with Barbra never would have been as inspirational as singing some true Gospel to open for one of the most influential speakers of our time.

If anyone ever gets the chance to hear Dr. Maya Angelou speak, please do not let the opportunity pass you by. Her words tonight spoke to my soul and I feel truly blessed to have had the ability to meet her.  She is completely right.  I am a human being, and nothing human can be alien to me.  And I also have a hard time trusting people who don't laugh.  As she said, "You might be serious, but you're boring as hell."  And I am both willing and eager to be the rainbow in someone else's cloud.

Thank you Checo for making the right decision!  And thank you for being my rainbow.  I will never forget this evening.

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