Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 3rd Lesson: Do your Research and Plan Ahead!

Daily Learning: When you want to see a friend's show on the most economical night of the run, figure out the capacity of the venue and reserve tickets ahead of time.

It's not a nice feeling to be turned away at the door on the one and only night that you can see a friend's show.  I was happy for them, but it meant that my one and only chance to see it was up.  Had I just put a bit more time into planning and arriving early, I probably would have been fine.

It actually ended up being a blessing in disguise because it meant I was able to have an evening off which was quite nice.  But I missed a show that was created by a bunch of good friends.  Well lesson learned and I will now do everything I can to not let that happen again.

July 2nd Lesson: Campy Theatre isn't necessarily a bad thing!

Daily Learning: Expect the Campy and you'll have a good time!

I don't know if this is a new lesson for me, but it was certainly a good reminder.  We all know how much I loved SCORE: A Hockey Musical.  If anyone asked me if it was a good movie, I don't know how I'd respond.  But what I can say that if you go into it expecting campy, ridiculous Canadian humour set to music (presuming you can appreciate all of that stuff) then you'll have a good time watching it!

I had never seen the original movie of Xanadu but I knew it was NOT a 'good' movie - but it did have a huge cult following.  So when I was invited to see the musical I was thrilled to check it out.  And disappointed I was not.  I expected the campiness, and I got it in spades!  And it was awesome and epic!  So don't knock the campy the next time you see it.  Embrace it.

July 1: And the learning begins with a bang!

Okay - so I'm finally catching up with all my learning blogs!  Well I can certainly say that when it comes to learning, I have definitely learned that if I give myself a bit of a guilt free break I take full advantage of it.  My apologies to those few of you who actually want to know what's going on and haven't read anything in a while.  But you're about to get some catching up to do!

Lesson for July 1st: I need to remember that my centre of gravity has shifted since I was a young kid.

Remember way back when you were a toddler and used to ride on your Dad's shoulders to feel high up and it used to be so much fun.  Wasn't that so much fun?  Wouldn't you expect it to be just as much fun to ride on someone's shoulders again as an adult?  Well you might be wrong.

As Luke and I were watching the Canada Day fireworks in Victoria, I didn't really have the best view so I tried to stand on this railing to get a little higher up.  Then we thought it might be smart for Luke to put me on his shoulders so I could get an even better view.  Have I mentioned that Luke is 6'5" and that I have a fairly long torso?  As much fun as it was to be up there on someone's shoulders again, it was also ... let's just say wobbly.  Maybe if I had trained as a cheerleader and become used to those kinds of heights it wouldn't have been such a big deal.  But that's not the case.  So after only a matter of seconds and a few photos, I asked Luke to put me down and relieve him of the pain in his neck.

But at least I got some decent photos out of it.  Check it out!

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

June 30th: Family Time with the not-quite family!

On the last day of my one-year challenge, I had an absolutely amazing day.  In preparation for the long weekend, Luke and I decided to spend our time on the island.  We originally wanted to camp, but with the weather not being on our side we instead decided to change our accommodation plans and stay one night in Nanaimo with his family and then head to Victoria on Canada Day.

Generally when we stay with his family in Nanaimo it is very often just us with his parents, with a few short visits with his little sister as she is in between school and work.  But with his older sister getting married in only a month she also made her way back home with her fiance, which meant that we were actually able to have some good family time together.

And what better way to finish my last awesome blog with family.  Even if it's not mine!  And being able to do so on the island is that much better.  What an awesome, awesome year.  I'm sorry I didn't post every single day, but at least I got every day in.

And I have news: I don't want to stop this now.  This project has been a lot of fun and it's helped to keep me stay positive and keep me writing.  So I will keep it going.  I won't actually hold myself to the every day (because it was very clear to me that it's not actually realistic).  But I will again try to post about the every day, at least a few times a week.  And as much as I'm going to stick with the theme of AWESOME - next year as of July 1st, they are going to also the theme of "You learn something new every day."  I want to know if that's true.  We'll find out.

June 29th: Improv in a skirt!

It's pretty darn awesome showing up to volunteer for an improv show all dressed up, and then being offered to play in the late night show - even though you're wearing a skirt.  Fortunately I had tights on under the skirt, so there wasn't really anything wrong with it. But the fact that I performed improv while wearing a skirt is something that I will boast about for a while, simply because I never would have expected that to happen ever in my life.

It was also amazing to have no expectations to perform, and literally get 10 minutes notice and then head backstage 5 minutes before the show begins.  It was almost exactly what improv should be.  I'm all for the workshops and establishing formats.  It's great to have guidelines and goals, and things to strive for.  But it's also fun to just play, which is exactly what we did late Friday night.

It takes a lot of trust to ask a person to perform 10 minutes before they are needed on stage and I'm so grateful to have that at Second Storey Theatre.  I can't think of anyone else I would rather play with than my improv family.  So much fun!  Thanks gang!

June 28th: Year-End Apprentice Projects

Another season, and another apprenticeship goes by.  That's not the awesome part.  Not for me anyway.  I generally miss the apprentices once they leave.  What is awesome is seeing the final projects that conclude the apprenticeships.  These are the projects that the apprentices pour their heart and soles into, and when they literally build it from the ground up it is that much more exciting.

Kimbojangles presented her year-end project last week and it was awesome!  What was fascinating about her project (which I don't think has ever happened before) was that her project actually included the future apprentices for the 2012-13 season.  It was like she was trying to emphasize the passing of the torch through the show.  And it worked!

Kim - I'm going to miss you.  Fortunately for me, you're not quite gone yet because you still have some hours to do in July.  Luckily for me that means that I get to see you more before you leave us for good.  And fortunately you still live with Andrea, which unfortunately means that you will never really get rid of me.  Too bad for you.  AWESOME for me!

June 27th: Baby Showers!

BABIES!!!!  I love that I'm at that age when friends of mine are getting married and having kids.  You know what that means?  Showers!  I know some people aren't really into the silly games, and the usual fuss that goes into showers, but I love it.  If someone wants to plan some fun for me, I'm more than happy to participate.  I know some folks think that it gets in the way of conversing with the other guests, but I don't know about that.  Yes, it distracts from conversation for the purpose of playing a game, but it also helps break the ice and bring everyone together and breaks up the cliques that might occur otherwise.  But then again - this is coming from a girl who loves to play any game!

My friend Joyce who was married Easter weekend of 2010 is now about to burst with her new baby, and I couldn't wait to attend her shower.  I rarely get to see her, so to have the chance to spend time with her and meet some more of her good friends was one I was not going to turn down.  Especially since she lives only a few blocks away from me.  I've met a lot of Joyce's friends before - but she has LOTS of friends, so this time around there were a lot more to meet.  And considering I arrived to the party late, I think I did a decent job.  I met some great girls, had some delicious food, and played some fun and silly games which bonded all of us as a group.  All in all - the ideal baby shower!

I know everyone has their idea of what a bridal or baby shower should look like, but as far as I'm concerned there is no wrong way to do it.  So long as there are good friends to celebrate a major life change, it should be an awesome time!  Congratulations Joyce and Matt on your soon to be new family!  I can't wait to meet the little one.

June 26th: Sitting in on the Boys' Club!

It's a really strange, intimidating, and yet exhilarating experience to sit around a table with a bunch of the key players in Vancouver's industry as not only the only female around the table, but also probably the only one still in their 20's.  Surreal would be the appropriate word for it!

There are a lot of people who I consider mentors in my career as a theatre administrator in Vancouver.  Or at the very least people who I would hope to consider mentors if only I could get  to spend even 10 minutes listening to them talk. And now imagine those people around a small board room table, and then imagine me with them.  I was more than just a little out of place.  Even so, it was bizarre to not feel completely out of my league.  

I was not that big fish in the little pond that just found it's way to the ocean.  Not at all.  I would say I was the tiny gold fish, who out grew it's fish bowl and then was dumped into the ocean.  It definitely felt that I skipped the pond part of the process.  Though the ocean seemed vast, I felt that I had some friends there that made me feel like I belonged.  I don't know if I convinced everyone that I belonged, but enough of them were convinced to at least keep me from being eaten alive.  

As weird as it was, it was pretty amazing sitting in on the Boys' Club Meeting.  I hope to sit in on more of the meetings.  Perhaps one day they will consider me one of their own!

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

June 25th: JESSIES!!!!

Every year for the past six years, I've worked my butt off for one major event in the year.  That event is the Jessie Richardson Theatre Awards.  It's the awards show that acknowledges the outstanding work in the Vancouver Theatre Industry.  This year was our 30th Anniversary.  It was also a commemorative event as Vancouver lost a major player with the closure of the Vancouver Playhouse Theatre Company.

Even so, it was an extremely celebratory evening with some well deserved awards being distributed.  It might be a lot of work year-after-year, but it's work that I'm thrilled to be a part of. Vancouver Theatre is awesome, and it's nice to be a part of that one event every year that reminds all of us just how amazing it is.

Thank you everyone who helped put this event together, and to all of the artists who gave us yet another season of outstanding theatre!

Just some of the lovely ladies on the Jessies Board.

Andrea and I getting ready to sell.  

June 24th: Turn some potatoes into fries!

It's kind of ridiculous how Luke has a lot of good friends in Vancouver and yet we rarely ever see them.  Clearly that needed to be remedied!  So we went out to Yaggers for drinks and some catching up.  

First awesome thing: Yaggers is one of those bars that seems to be underrated, considering how freaking good the food is, and how freaking fun it can be.  I hear it's all good, but I can tell you that the fajitas were absolutely awesome!

Second awesome thing: Hearing that the EXP Restaurant and Bar made its goal of $50K on its Indie GoGo fundraising campaign, and that hopefully things can turn around regarding the actual playing of video games in the bar, which is pretty much the entire point of the restaurant.  (I learned later that they actually made $62K by the time the Indie GoGo campaign closed - UBER AWESOME!)

Third awesome thing: Learning about "Potatoes, Fries!"  Most of us know that when you bump your fists together, it's called 'pounding it'.  Well sometimes after pounding it, your instinct is to explode your hand afterward as indicated by your outstretched fingers.  Well try this: as you pound fists say "Potatoes" and then as your hand explodes with your fingers outstretched shout out "Fries!"  Was your mind just blown?  Because mine was!

Look - it's the simple things that make life awesome.  So you can make fun of "Potatoes, Fries!" all you like, but it doesn't take away from the over all awesomeness of the day!  Improv, Board Games, Delicious Food, Catching up with some friends we hadn't seen in a while, Silly Greetings, and Button-mashing video games add up to one awesome day!

June 23rd: Character work!

I have fallen in love with the late night shows at Second Storey Theatre.  After our usual Sudden Death Improv shows, we've been adding late night long form shows and the formats change depending on who is hosting the show.  On the 23rd, the format was probably my favourite I have seen yet, namely because it revolved around the creation of characters.

In the show we met Clause Vath-Bath - a butler who couldn't hold his alcohol and was embarassed by his name, Bambam Lill - a famous rock/movie star past his prime who had a pompadour hairdo and hated talking about himself, and Shadow Overstreet - the smartest rapper in the world who doubled as a CIA agent and who only spoke in words or two syllables or more. We were able to meet each of these characters in their worlds for 10 minutes each, and then we were able to see them all together.  And, as you might expect, it was AWESOME!

Way to go Shovin' Buddies!  You were great.  I can't wait to see the next one and meet some more crazy and awesome characters.

June 22nd: At long last!

Six years ago, I started my work at Pacific Theatre as an apprentice.  That year a fellow apprentice, Tina Teeninga, was one of several playwright's who had the first reading for a new play at a workshop that fostered the work of emerging playwrights.  Her script was about the Luddites and their protest against the Industrial Revolution.  At the time it was called Luddites!  Six years, and several drafts later - it finally made it's way to the Pacific Theatre stage in a workshopped stage reading of Wolf At The Door.

I couldn't be more proud of her.  I wasn't actually at the original reading 6 years ago (hey - someone had to work the box office), but I was in several readings after the fact.  I can't explain how awesome it is to see a piece of art all the way from it's conception to its realization (or at least pretty darn close to it).  Thank you Tina, for a wonderful piece of art that is still relevant today despite taking place centuries ago!

June 21st: Go Hamilton and Culture!

It seems that the longer I live in Vancouver, the more I come to appreciate being from Hamilton.  Not because the people out here are not awesome (trust me, they are).  I just find myself being exceptionally proud anytime I ever hear anyone bring up Hamilton.  Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that Hamilton rarely ever comes up in conversation out here, and when it does it's often brought up as a result of something positive - which makes my heart go out to it.

Last week I went to a meeting about BC Arts Statistics, and the person speaking was Kelly Hill from Hill Strategies.  Hill Strategies is essentially the go-to website for any stats relating to the Arts in Canada.  I used it all the time in University, particularly when doing the Graduate Arts Admin program.  So to be acquainted with it again while out here in a managerial position is pretty darn awesome.  Especially when I saw "Hamilton, ON" on one of the slides.

Somehow in my studies, I hesitated to notice where Hill Strategies originated.  Now that I've been away from Hamilton for 10 years, I suppose I've started to notice a lot more.  I couldn't be more proud that the leading source of arts statistics is from my hometown.  It just gives me one more reason to be proud of being from the Hammer!