Tuesday, July 03, 2012

June 24th: Turn some potatoes into fries!

It's kind of ridiculous how Luke has a lot of good friends in Vancouver and yet we rarely ever see them.  Clearly that needed to be remedied!  So we went out to Yaggers for drinks and some catching up.  

First awesome thing: Yaggers is one of those bars that seems to be underrated, considering how freaking good the food is, and how freaking fun it can be.  I hear it's all good, but I can tell you that the fajitas were absolutely awesome!

Second awesome thing: Hearing that the EXP Restaurant and Bar made its goal of $50K on its Indie GoGo fundraising campaign, and that hopefully things can turn around regarding the actual playing of video games in the bar, which is pretty much the entire point of the restaurant.  (I learned later that they actually made $62K by the time the Indie GoGo campaign closed - UBER AWESOME!)

Third awesome thing: Learning about "Potatoes, Fries!"  Most of us know that when you bump your fists together, it's called 'pounding it'.  Well sometimes after pounding it, your instinct is to explode your hand afterward as indicated by your outstretched fingers.  Well try this: as you pound fists say "Potatoes" and then as your hand explodes with your fingers outstretched shout out "Fries!"  Was your mind just blown?  Because mine was!

Look - it's the simple things that make life awesome.  So you can make fun of "Potatoes, Fries!" all you like, but it doesn't take away from the over all awesomeness of the day!  Improv, Board Games, Delicious Food, Catching up with some friends we hadn't seen in a while, Silly Greetings, and Button-mashing video games add up to one awesome day!

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