Tuesday, June 12, 2012


It's not every day that I make my way to Abbotsford to catch a show, but Friday was one of them.  Gallery 7 was opening their show The Fantasticks!  I have always wanted to see this show.  I also happen to know, love, and work with the choreographer.  And I happen to know this guy who lives in Abbotsford now.  So when I was invited to see the show, obviously I went.

Here's what I learned from the show.  Silence truly speaks volumes.  Don't get me wrong - the performances were great, the music was awesome, and the dialogue and lyrics were hilarious.  But I kept being distracted by the character who played the wall and was silent the entire show.  I want to give that guy a high five.  He wasn't exactly a show stealer, because he knew how to share the stage and not pull focus.  But he was just so epically awesome that I needed to make mention of just how great his silence was.

I was thoroughly impressed by the show.  Well done Gallery 7!  What a way to end the season. 

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