Thursday, August 25, 2011

Aug 24th: PT's Awesim Music!

When you work in an office with several work stations in a small open space, it can sometimes be a little tough to determine who gets to decide what music the office is going to listen to.  Often the first person in has already claimed the title of DJ for the day using their standard music selection. Other times we will just listen to the radio.  But Monday we were introduced to this amazing website  You sign in with your facebook profile, and become a simulated character that can enter a room where friends or strangers get to DJ by picking songs that they can stream for FREE.  Our first time around I went for an awesome 90's mix, but today I wanted to listen to more of my staples, including some of my favourite indie artists.  After searching my iTunes to be reminded of all the bands I listen to, I found Adaline right at the top. So, I looked her up on the search, and sure enough all of her music was available.  This was the case for the Arkells, Cuff the Duke, Dan Mangan, The Left, and a bunch of others as well.  

While the program doesn't have every song that I've tried looking for (and sometimes has songs credited to an artist that are actually just covers), it's amazing how many songs they do have.  If you want to listen to the songs that we are listening to in the office, then check out and join the PT Awesim room.  It's amazing to see what tunes will come up.

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