Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Aug 9th: Chisholm Travelling with Al!

Today was a full day of travelling to Wisconsin.  I'm not quite there yet (just taking a little stop over in Minneapolis for a day trip to the Mall of America first) but I find it quite fitting that it will take two days to get there, as that was the standard trip length when we made the trip as a family when we were younger.  Sure, I was travelling on my own this time around, but that doesn't mean that I can't abide by some of the usual family travelling traditions.

When we were kids, our family would annually go on one of three family road trips: either to Cape Cod, Wisconsin, or Florida.  From Ancaster these trips took anywhere from 10 to 20 some odd hours depending on where we were going and the number of pit stops we needed to make.  That's a lot of time for my parents to spend with four obnoxious (albeit hilarious) young kids in the back seats, all within 6 years of each other, and all very loud.  To help make these trips tolerable they realized there was a way to cut back on the obnoxiousness by at least consolidating the noise into one sound.  The solution: WEIRD AL!  I'm sure we were just as loud, if not louder, but at least we were singing the same thing, and that same thing happened to be enjoyed by the whole family.  

While I wasn't able to abide by all of the family travelling traditions (another of my favourites being "Chisholms trade chairs when they travel on trips") I'm so glad that I had an iPod filled with Weird Al music, including his most recent album, ALPOCALYPSE!  A polkified Lady Gaga can make any day of travelling infinitely better.  So today's awesomism goes to Weird Al! As my father likes to say (quoting an episode of The Simpsons) "Once you've grown tired of Al, you've grown tired of life!"


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