Thursday, August 25, 2011

Aug 25th: Full of Funny!

Put five improvisers in a room playing the Game of Things and it is bound to end in utter hilarity!  A bunch of us got together tonight to talk about what games we might want to play in an improv gig that we have coming up in September.  It was a great meeting.  Lots of laughs, great suggestions, all-in-all very productive.  Then we had the opportunity to either leave the meeting or play a game.  We chose to play a game.  And then the insanity began!

For anyone who has never played the Game of Things, it's a game where people take turn taking the role of the dealer.  The dealer chooses a category, for example: "Things You Shouldn't Do in Public", and everyone around the table (including the dealer) has to submit a response that fits into this category.  The dealer then reads the responses aloud - twice - ideally without laughing (though this is often quite difficult) and then the other players have to guess who offered each response.  In general, it's a hilarious game.  When you have 5 improvisers playing the game, it's a whole different story.

I won't go into details, but suffice it to say that we broke records tonight.  And my face, stomach, and general breathing pattern are still try to recuperate from the hilarity that was tonight!  Thanks friends!  Let's do that again sometime, and see how much further we can take it.  In the mean time, just know that our improv show in September is going to be AWESOME!!!

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