Monday, August 01, 2011

Aug. 1: Just another day at the office!

On today's statutory holiday I spent the day working because I will be taking the day off on Friday.  Fortunately for today I was relocated to what I am claiming as my new office.  Behold!

I hadn't yet had a day at the beach this summer (proven by the fact that my skin tone matches my dress - though has since become a little darker and frecklier).  So I decided to take the opportunity to make up for lost time.  When the stat holiday came around and I knew I still had stuff I needed to do, I planned my day around things I could do somewhere other than a basement office with very little natural light.  And you know what - it was actually one of the more productive days I've had this summer.  Instead of being mopey being in an office by myself wishing I could enjoy the sun, I actually got to enjoy the sun and managed to accomplish a few things in the process.  Not bad for a hard day's work!

To those who wonder why I am not eager to move back to Ontario anytime soon, I hope this post might shed a little light on my reasoning.  I still love you, but doing the things I love in an environment like this is kind of hard to give up!


  1. Okay? Jericho beach again? :-)

  2. You bet! It's my favourite. Not too crowded, and great swimming!
