Monday, March 19, 2012

Mar. 17th: Kermit's favourite holiday!

Kermit may have said, "It's not easy being green!"  But I can almost guarantee that he didn't say it on March 17th.  Because anything green on St. Patrick's Day is awesome!

I love St. Patrick's Day.  And not just because it's a day when Lenten restrictions are lifted (though that is awesome too), but more because I have so many great memories surrounding the day.  I can remember some fond celebrations of the day in Montreal, and one in particular when I was able to introduce my friend 'Mona' to the true extent of the Chisholm craziness.  And of course I remember exactly two years ago on St. Patrick's Day I first learned about Weird Al's movie, UHF (how on earth I lived so long without knowing about it, is beyond me).  It might be weird to remember the moment one heard about a movie so distinctly, except that it was at that exact moment that I gave Luke the first impression that I was overbearing.  Unfortunately for him I can also be quite sweet and hilarious, which he found out on a second impression when the Chisholm charm took hold of him.

So yeah, that was two years ago!  Wow - how time flies.  Now, don't get confused.  We are not celebrating our 2 year anniversary yet.  That is yet to come.  But the fact that we have now known each other for two years is pretty crazy, and pretty darn awesome.  To think of how much my life has changed in these past two years, is amazing.  Cheers to the past two years, and to the days ahead!

.... and on a side note I will add in that another really awesome thing is when buses line up just right when you're heading home late at night and are very very tired.  That's what we call a transit win!

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