Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mar. 20th: Welcome Spring!!!

First day of Spring. Well - it's about time! We are saving our daylight now, there are plenty of robins out and about, and even some flowers are finding their way out of the ground to add some splash of colour to our lives.

So I figured the best way to celebrate the official arrival of this lovely season, was to retire the previous season's outerwear.  That's right.  The winter coat made it's way back to the closet and the spring jackets are now making an appearance.  And with some proper layering and added scarves, I am prepared to handle any freak snowfalls that are almost guaranteed to happen at some point in the next month or so.  And of course I still have my rain jacket for the classic west coast weather.

I'm just glad to be rid of winter.  And with spring here, and the sun shining more frequently it's a nice reminder that summer is just around the next corner.  In not too long we'll be into the no jacket weather. Looking forward to it!

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