Monday, March 12, 2012

Mar. 9th: Kismet!

Do you believe in fate?  I don't know if I do.  I'm one of those that has this idea that if I believe in fate and destiny then I must believe that our lives are predetermined and we do not actually have any control over what happens to us.  That being said, I have had moments in my life that struggle to claim as just coincidence.  In which case - what caused them if not fate?

Last season, The Chop Theatre premiered their production of KISMET One To One Hundred.  I heard great things about the show but was not able to attend at that time.  Fortunately the Gateway Theatre in Richmond picked the show up and opened its remount production this past Friday, which I had the pleasure of attending.  The show was written and performed by this small theatre group who travelled across Canada interviewing individuals aged 1 to 100 about their experiences and beliefs of fate and destiny.  The show was fun, lively, and extremely enlightening.  It was also a fantastic way of getting to know my fellow audience members better when asked to confess to our shared experiences.  I couldn't help but walk away from the show wondering about my own beliefs and experiences with fate - which quite frankly was interesting timing, considering that earlier in the day I received some absolutely shocking news that I still have yet to wrap my head around.

A mere six hours before the curtain call for Kismet, Vancouver was informed that the Vancouver Playhouse Theatre Company (our civic theatre) was to close its doors after its final performance on Saturday night.  After 49 years of making theatre for the City of Vancouver, we were informed of its closure a mere one day before the closure would take place.  Not a whole lot of time offered for the standard grieving process.  ... To put things in perspective for family and friends back home, imagine if you will that come Friday, Theatre Aquarius informed the public that they would be closing their doors and that they would no longer have any performances of their productions come the following Monday.  It doesn't really matter how often you go to see the shows at the theatre, the fact remains that they are the theatre representatives of your city ... and they just shut down.  How does that reflect on your city?

Well, that's what we are experiencing here.  Yes - Vancouver still has other theatre companies who can hopefully carry the artistic load, but we have just lost our regional theatre company ... what does this mean for the rest of us?  Interesting question especially after watching a show all about fate and destiny.

There are no answers of course.  Just postulations and choices.  If this closure is in fact the fate of the Playhouse, then we can grieve, bid farewell, continue with business as usual and pray that this is not a symptom of a disease that would lead to the demise of all of Vancouver's theatres and arts organizations.  Or we can stand up and fight and let this serve as a reminder to everyone why theatre and the arts matter!  My choice is made!  And perhaps if we are lucky, some day the Playhouse will rise from its ashes and take flight anew.  If not - then thank you for your 49 years of inspiration, enlightenment, and entertainment!

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