Friday, March 23, 2012

Mar. 22nd: Season Launched!

It has happened.  It has actually happened.  Our theatre has launched our season around the same time as our fellow theatres in the area ... and in some cases even before!

This is such a weird and awesome feeling.  Something we would normally be working on in April/May/June is now DONE!!!  The season has launched.  Subscriptions are being sold and soon to be packaged.  All while we're still selling away for the rest of the shows this season.

To clarify why this is so incredibly awesome, it is because the main part of my job that usually takes place at the end of the season and at the beginning of summer, is already well on its way.  Which means that when July hits and the theatre quiets down and the staff start taking time off ... I can actually join them.  OR when I do work, I can actually focus on those summer projects like reorganizing all of my files, cleaning up the office, or working out details to improve some basic operations.  I can use my summer for what it is intended for: time off, and getting back to neutral!

And really - the best part about all of this is that we have another awesome season ahead of us!  Great shows, great artists, and soon to be another awesome artistic brochure.  Can't wait!

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