Monday, March 26, 2012

Mar. 24th: "I've heard so much about you!"

Know what's weird???  When you've been dating someone for almost two years and you have still not met all of his good friends ... even though they live fairly close by.

I get it.  Life is busy.  We all have crazy schedules.  But it was shocking to me that this past Saturday was the first time I had met friends whom Luke had been talking about for ages.  I had heard plenty about them but it was pretty awesome to extend that hand for the first time and look them in the eye and say "Hi. I'm Alison.  Nice to meet you."  I felt like I had finally caught up on a part of Luke's life that meant a lot to him.  In getting to finally meet them, I feel like I know Luke a lot better now.  And I know two new awesome people as well!

I also have a number of friends who Luke still hasn't met, but most of these friends are in Ontario.  And yes, I think's it's outrageous that Luke hasn't met some of my cousins who are essentially an extension of my immediate family (I mean their kids are all of my fridge), but he has managed to be introduced to some of my Dad's old high school buddies.  I guess that's just a reflection on how important timing, and proximity are when planning these get togethers.  When I think about it, I'm grateful that he has met as many of my friends as he has, considering how widely dispersed we all are.  I can't wait until the University reunion takes place summer, when he might actually get to meet Noush.  That will be one big piece of the Alison puzzle falling into place.

There are still lots more people that I know I have yet to meet, and while I don't know exactly when that time will come, I really look forward to it.  I already know they're going to be awesome people, because they're friends with an awesome guy!

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