Monday, March 26, 2012

Mar. 25th: Spring Cleaning!

Oh gravy the weather has be GORGEOUS out here in Vancouver.  And what better to get a person motivated then a bright sunny day.

So after improv and some postering, I picked up a few groceries, headed home, made a nice lunch and got cracking on some serious spring cleaning.  I made sure to add in some time relax, but it was pretty darn awesome productive day.  I had two really awesome meals for myself.  Did a thorough clean of some areas of my apartment that had been neglected for quite some time, and made a To Do list for those other things that I know I have to get to.

It feels SOOOOO good to start moving on this stuff.  I know there's still a lot to do, but even just getting this head start has got me motivated to keep going.  Because the sooner I get this place good and clean, the sooner I can start messing it up again with awesome craft projects.  I'm getting giddy just thinking about it.

Hooray Spring!  Thanks for getting my butt in gear and making me get stuff done, while still giving me a nice relaxing day off with a good dose of Vitamin D!!!  Keep it coming.

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