It was another fun-filled day today. It started with the Grand Wedding Show to prep for Natalie's wedding, followed by the first choir rehearsal in over a month (or two), and a workshop for the Artisan U Improv show. Generally it was a great day, but there was one random thing that happened today that I wanted to write about.
During our lunch at the convention centre a random masquerade ball formed in the food court. Now - I know all about flash mobs. I've been a part of several flash mobs actually, but never have I been one of the innocent bystanders to witness a flash mob . . . until today.
I think the original point of flash mobs is not really being practiced anymore. Originally they were set up to appear that random people were coming together to do something awesome, and then once they did it - all of these random people would walk away minding their own business as if nothing had happened. Now flash mobs seem to appear as groups of people wanting to share random fun, in random places, at random times. Either way - flash mobs are awesome! Random fun in a safe and friendly environment is always a good thing. I was thrilled to be on the other side of it today.
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