Thursday, April 26, 2012

Apr. 24th: Shaking Hands

So often I run into the same people over and over again, and yet somehow I have no idea who they are.  I know I should.  We generally exchange glances indicating that we recognize each other, but never actually take the time to stop what we're doing to actually introduce ourselves.  I have this situation occur at almost every opening night.  Which is why it's handy to attend with other theatre people who actually know these people who I have yet to meet.

It's so rewarding to finally shake someone's hand and learn their name (or at the very least have them learn yours) so that you can officially say that you know each other.  It's amazing how small Vancouver's industry can be where we can constantly run into the same group of people, but still be so big that I feel like it will be another 6 years at least before I shake hands with all of the people I kind of know but have never officially met.  

But I'm on my way.  Because with every handshake there are a few more handshakes around the corner.  I'm looking forward to them! 

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