Wednesday, May 02, 2012

May 1st: An Exquisite Evening!

I have admitted many a time of how I'm not a big fan of plans changing.  What I haven't mentioned is how awesome it is when plans go exactly as I wanted them to.  I've booked a pretty tight schedule for this week with essential work that needs to be done, combined with social events I have been eager to attend.  Having missed the 2010 Fringe production of The Exquisite Hour, I was eager to see it remounted.  I wasn't sure whether I'd be able to check it out or not, as I had another meeting planned that easily could have gone longer than projected.  Fortunately it wrapped up exactly when I had hoped it would which meant that I was able to arrive at the theatre precisely at the time I had wanted to.  And I am so glad I did!

There's a reason why the show received such great reviews while it was on at the Fringe.  There are also reasons why it was picked up by the Playhouse and then again by the Arts Club upon hearing news of the Playhouse closure.  The show gives you exactly what you'd expect.  It's all right there in the title! 60 minutes of charm, playfulness, hilarity, and heartwarming moments.  Yes, I would say that the hour was Exquisite.  I would also it was awesome! Congratulations you Relephants for a fantastic production.  I'm so glad that I was finally able to see what everyone was talking about!  I hope you have a great and successful run.  You absolutely deserve it.

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