Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Apr. 27th: Winging It!

It's kind of awesome when a group of improvisers have to deal with a change to a situation and are pretty well forced to ... well ... improvise.

So apparently Second Storey did a great job in promoting the Saturday night show this past weekend.  A little too good perhaps because it meant that there wasn't really much audience left for Friday.  But we weren't going to let that stop us.  We still had the partners of the players ready for a show so we put one on for them.  But it wasn't the usual Sudden Death Format.  Instead we just did 40 minutes of long form.

Hey - did I mention that I've never really done a long form show?  Basically what we did was get one suggestion from the audience and then improved based on that suggestion for 40 minutes, with a bunch of different scenes and transitions. Having never done it in a show before I was quite nervous and was concerned that I didn't really know what I was doing, but I realized that I just had to wing it.  I was definitely in my head the whole time, so I'll be honest and say it wasn't my best show.  But I did it.  And I had a great time doing it.  And I learned a whole heck of a lot in the process.

I might not always know exactly how to handle situations, but it sure is an awesome to just suck it up and improvise my way through it.  Great night!

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