Thursday, July 14, 2011

July 14th: Schadenfreude!

Satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune

Okay - so maybe schadenfreude itself isn't the most awesome thing in the world.  It's actually kind of cruel but unfortunately I do think it is human nature.  At some point or other I think we all take pleasure in the "serves you right" or "you asked for it" moments in life.  Don't believe me?  Try listening to this song from Avenue Q and tell me you can't relate.  Just be forewarned that there are some explicit lyrics in this song - but it doesn't make it any less awesome.

What CAN be awesome about schadenfreude is when you have good friends who will intentionally put themselves in unfortunate situations for the sake of your pleasure.  Today's shout out goes to Christopher Cook who threw himself into freezing cold water for the sake of getting some publicity shots for our upcoming production of Compassion For Killers.  I also have to give props to Colin Ivor Mills for lending his time and also braving the water in order to get some great shots.  I'm sorry for enjoying your misfortunes a bit too much, but I am grateful for all your work and your friendship.  Way to be awesome!

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