Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 26th: Handwriting on Envelopes!

I really look forward to getting mail, even if it is just a pile of bills.  I guess just the hope of finding something else in amongst the mix makes me love it.  Today, for instance, I hit the mail JACKPOT!  I received two pieces of mail today.  The first was a cheque - which was expected, but always nice to receive.  The second was an envelope with my name and address handwritten on the outside.  Now - I knew immediately what it was inside, and yes I suppose I knew it was coming. But there is something about receiving a piece of mail with my name handwritten on the envelope that just makes me feel special.  Even if it comes from a business and they are asking for money, I still love it.  Because for the time it took for that person to write my name on that envelope, they were thinking of me - and that's pretty awesome.

In this case, what came in the envelope was also pretty awesome (it was a wedding invitation in case anyone is wondering), but what was even more awesome was the stamp that they used.  The stamp was nothing special (see below). What made it awesome was the fact that I just finished having a conversation with another friend of mine a few weeks ago who was trying to avoid putting the exact same stamp on her wedding invitations.

I understand.  Wedding invitations are a tricky thing.  They are essentially the first glimpse at what a wedding will be like.  The invitation can speak volumes, as can the envelope that it comes in.  But in this context I thought it was perfect that this oversized and obscure stamp was on the wedding invitation I received.  Either because it means the stamp was intentional and the wedding is going to be a ridiculous and awesome party, or it means that the couple had other things to worry about that mattered more to them than the stamp on their invitation envelopes.  Whichever it is - I approve and I think it's awesome!

Thank you Canada Post, for making today's mail day amazing!


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