I don't know if I will ever be able to top today's awesomism. This evening, I decided to do some reading at the park a few blocks from my house to take advantage of the beautiful view of the sun setting on the mountains and downtown. Unfortunately for my reading, I got distracted by a man who walked by me. He was dressed formally in dress pants, a white buttoned down shirt, and a green silky vest, and he walked by me in the weirdest way. It was as if he was carrying an invisible box in front of him and with every step he took he had to touch his right hand to his left hip, and then vice versa. It was almost like those times when you start walking silly just to get a few laughs and then a friend says "I dare you to walk like that all the way to ..." where ever it is you're going. Except in this case - the man was just walking that way. No one was daring him to, and he wasn't showing off to anyone. He was just being awesome. So awesome in fact that he had to walk by me like that not once, not twice - but SEVEN times! Fortunately by the fifth time I had picked up on the pattern and was able to sneak a little video footage. I'm sorry to say that the video does not do the walk justice - but at least you can kind of meet the man that made my day! AMAZING!
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