Today was one of those days when I really appreciated my job, and this time it had nothing to do with the artistic side of it. It had everything to do with the awesome people I get to work with.
Working in the Pacific Theatre office has always been hilarious. The combination of Frank, Andrea, and I is one that I can only call WINNING! Probably because we all express appreciation for each other in the same hilarious way. To outsiders who do not understand the dynamic and happen to stumble into the office to witness the banter, it might come across as cruel and unnecessary, but to us it's love. The best part is when you add Ron Reed into the mix. As the leader of the theatre, one might expect him to behave in a certain manner - but every once in a while the man will come out with the most hilarious and unexpected things that completely blind-side us staff to the point where none of us can work for a couple of minutes as we recompose ourselves from all of the laughter.
I don't know how many times I can say this - but I absolutely love my job. Any job that can have you walking home with a HUGE smile on your face, and eager to come back the next day just so you can spend more fun times with your colleagues, is friggin' awesome! The fact that I get artistic fulfillment on top of that is a bonus.
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