Friday, November 25, 2011

Nov. 23rd: Inventions coming to Fruition!

So Wednesday was a great day.  Work was good, and I spent the evening  at the opening night of Blood Brothers at the Arts Club Theatre.  The show was fantastic, and it was great to be able to hang out one-on-one with fellow music lover Josh McFaul - husband of good friend Shay and brofriend of Luke (and link to how Luke and I met).  It was an awesome night, an awesome show, and awesome company. But there was one more awesome thing that happened that I wanted to mention.

Earlier in the day I was informed by the beautiful Kim MacEachern, that something that I had been waiting for for a while was finally in existence.  Long before I had my laptop, but work computer was my main computer so I had purchased a few things to my iTunes account that had only ever resided on that computer.  Then when I got my new computer I purchased more things to my iTunes account, expecting that anything purchased on my account could show up on any computer.  But such was not the case - or at least not as far as I could tell.  I eventually gave up on trying to figure it out and just settled with listening to everything through my iPod.

But yesterday all of that changed.  Because apparently iTunes has a 'New' feature.  I don't know how new it is, but it was new to me yesterday and it changed my life, because I was finally able to upload all of the songs that I had purchased on my laptop onto my work computer - and vice versa.  Finding this out made me very excited to the point where I eventually slid off my chair.

Don't believe?  Here's the proof.

I love the fact that an assumption I made a few years ago is now in existence.  I know I had nothing to do with it, but it was pretty awesome to know that I was thinking of the improvement at the same time that it was being created.  

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