Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Nov. 29: Comedy Night!

Since I have gotten back into improv, I have taken a lot of pride in considering myself as someone who is into comedy.  Yet, I very rarely spend time out at comedy shows.  I feel like I was living in Montreal, I actually went to see stand-up comedy shows fairly frequently.  And there have been a few times since living in Vancouver that I went to a couple of shows at Yuk Yuk's with friends, and every time was absolutely awesome - so why do I not go to see more comedy?  One quick answer could be that I might not actually have the time, but that's a silly excuse.  If it's something that I really love then I should be making the time, right?  Well that's what I did about a month ago when I found out that one of my favourite comedians, Jon Lajoie, was going to be performing in Vancouver.

I wasn't sure what kind of show it was going to be.  Was it a comedy routine, a concert, some sort of combination of the two?  Would they be showing his YouTube videos?  What the heck was the night going to be?  The answer: AWESOME!  He did an awesome job.  The songs were great, the stand-up comedy was hilarious, and the handling of the hecklers was down-right impressive!  As always I walked away wondering why the heck I don't go to more live stand-up shows.  Clearly I need to make it a priority again.

Generally I would say that Jon Lajoie's type of humour might not be suited to some of the readers of this blog (Hi Mom and Gramma!), but I think I found a song of Jon's that everyone can enjoy.  There's still some language in it, but it's fleeting - so if anyone wants to avoid the language then you can just stop listening as soon as the rap starts!


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