Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Nov. 28th: No more slacking off!

I don't know why I keep being so lazy with these blogs.  Somehow I convinced myself that if I missed a post one day that it wasn't so bad because I could always post it later.  But then that ended up meaning that I'd have days like this when I would have to catch up on four days with of awesome.  Which is fun - but it defeats the point of me acknowledging the good in each day as it happens.  So - I am providing myself with a new challenge.  And this challenge is inspired by this evening's events.

We had another improv musical workshop tonight.  And as expected - it was awesome, because it gives me the chance to do some of the things that I love to do - but in a challenging and sometimes embarrassing way.  SO - if ever I do NOT post daily again I will have to add to the final post, by including a Bonus Feature of some sort.  It could be a video of me doing something silly and/or embarrassing (ie. doing a silly dance, making up a song, trying to play ukulele again), or it could be an additional story or poem, or who knows.

Remember those Birthday Dares I did for my Champagne Birthdays?  Well if anyone had extra dares that they wanted to send my way to be included as possible Bonus Features then this is the time to send them.
It's time I be held accountable for my actions.  All I ask is that because I often don't come home until after midnight that I at least be given until 2am.  That's fair, right?

Here's hoping that this new challenge isn't an invitation for further insomnia.  Bring on the silliness!

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