Thursday, January 05, 2012

Dec. 25th: Santa Came! Santa Came!

Even though I was waking up in a totally different house - Santa didn't forget me.  As per usual - I was spoiled this Christmas!  I woke up thinking there might be small little treat for me under that tree (just so that I wouldn't feel left out) but apparently I was a good girl this year.

The Christmas morning wasn't exactly the one I was used to.  No one jumped on my bed screaming "It's Christmas! It's Christmas!" There were no massively huge stocking to go through.  And there wasn't any Kringle (that's my fault and no one elses).  But there was a feast and there were presents and a whole lot of love!  Just what every Christmas should have.  I think I ended up walking out of there with two gift bags packed to the brim filled with presents and delicious Christmas baking (*Sidenote: I may have missed on kringle, but I did discover that almond cookies are delicious.  Especially when they come straight from the oven!)

We also had a big delicious meal complete with turkey and the works (I'm pretty sure it's mandatory on Christmas)!  But even though it was very similar to what I expected from a Christmas Day, there were a few additional fun things that were added.  Like a game of Settlers of Catan with Luke and his younger sister!  And most exciting was a short but beautiful walk through the forest to the beach.  And that was pretty special.

Yes - I definitely missed my family.  But I know that if I weren't going to spend my Christmas with them, that they would have wanted me surrounded by good people who love me and treat me well.  And I can assure them that that's exactly what I did!  MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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