Thursday, January 12, 2012

Jan. 4th: Inappropriate Game Playing!

After some time away it was great to have a night of hanging out with some good friends while playing some good games.  And by 'good' games, I of course mean 'inappropriate' games.  Games such as Cards Against Humanity!

For anyone who has ever played Apples to Apples - Cards Against Humanity is essentially the same game, except that it's for horrible people such as myself.  In Apples to Apples the dealer chooses an adjective (green apples) then everyone in the circle has a handful of nouns (red apples) and choose the best noun that suits the adjective. The dealer then reads out all of the chosen nouns and chooses the one they think best suits the adjective and whomever put down that noun gets a point.  The key to the game: KNOW YOUR JUDGE.  Cards Against Humanity works essentially the same way - except that the card that the dealer flips over is rarely ever an adjective.  Instead it can be a question, a statement, or sometimes even a two parter!  And while the cards in your hand are always a person place or thing - sometimes that thing is an action.

For example - here are some of the match-ups that I remember from that night.  These were both winners that I put down.  My cards are in bold.

Dealer Card: And the Academy Award goes to ___________, the story of ____________.
Response:  And the Academy Award goes to Penis Envy, the story of Her Royal Highness, Queen Elizabeth II.

Dealer Card: The other night when I was tripping on acid  ___________ turned into __________.
Response: The other night when I was tripping on acid Copping a Feel turned into I'm Friends With Your Dad on Facebook.

Somehow Luke and I ended up tying the game with 11 points each.  Clearly we are the most inappropriate ones in the group.  But it was a really fun way to spend a night with friends after being away from them for so long.  I'm looking forward to the next game night!

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