Sunday, January 22, 2012

Jan. 20th: A New Favourite!

Friday night was the opening night of Danny & The Deep Blue Sea at Pacific Theatre and it was an absolutely brilliant production.  In fact - I think it is my favourite production, I've ever seen.  Now, I know that is a bold statement.  The minute it came out of my mouth I questioned whether it was actually true or not.  I felt that it was true but I wanted to legitimize the statement with an actual thought process.  So I started thinking about some of my favourite shows that I have ever seen (which has been a lot) and it still came out on top.  There are lots of other shows that are among my favourites, including Studies in Motion, Ride the Cyclone, and Jesus Hopped the 'A' Train - but there is a huge difference between those shows and Danny.

The reason why I loved Danny & The Deep Blue Sea so much is because it was the perfect combination of a great script, two great actors giving amazing performances, guided by a director who knew what the priorities of the script were and how to achieve them.  The script is about two people who meet in rundown bar in the bronx after essentially hitting rock-bottom.  The beauty of the script is the relationship between these two strangers and the balance of drama, humour, and tenderness that occurs within that relationship.  And the entire crew found that perfect balance of those three elements, and I am so grateful they did because it is why this show became my favourite production.

Let it be known that just because it's MY favourite production, I do not necessarily expect other people to feel the same way.  There are a lot of great productions out there and this is just one of them.  But in my opinion the show was the perfect example of what I love most about theatre:  Just two people on stage, showing what it is like to be those people!

Thank you Jason, Lori, Aleks, and Jess for making this magic happen!

Lori Triolo and Aleks Paunovic in Danny & the Deep Blue Sea

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