Monday, January 30, 2012

Jan. 30th: Heart Rate Increased!

After waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long, I finally got started on that age old New Years Resolution ... oh, what am I saying ... that general LIFE resolution of exercising more.

I was supposed to spend my evening doing some cardio kickboxing, but unfortunately I had scheduled myself into a meeting that did not allow me enough time to eat and get to the class on the time.  So I decided to compromise.  I made a delicious meal for myself and still got some physical activity walking the five minutes to the community centre instead of taking the crazy amount of time it would have taken to head out to Burnaby, just to show up very late for a 50 minute class.

It wasn't a crazy long work out but it was a good 45 minutes spent collectively on the elyptical, treadmill, and stairmaster.  And boy did it ever feel good.  Sorry, not good ... AWESOME!  Even the cold walk back home in the rain felt amazing.

The best part is knowing that I actually got off my butt to make it happen.  It's nice knowing that I can actually hold myself accountable for some things.  Hopefully next week I can maintain that theme and make sure I finally get to my class on time!

Jan. 29th: Back at it!

You would have thought that after the depressing year without choir and the immediate change in energy and pep that came from getting it back, that I might have learned how much I needed it in my life.  But apparently not.

Since the New Year I've been feeling a little lethargic.  I've been happy and well but there's just been a certain something missing.  And today I found it.  His name is CHECO!!!  I know I know!  I've talked about Checo and choir before but I have to talk about it again.  Today was the first time since the New Year when I felt like my peppy self again, because today was the day that I finally took the shackles off my feet so I could dance.

This is not to say that the previous days of 2012 haven't been awesome.  I am just saying that today I feel right again, and I remember the exact moment when it happened.  As soon as I got on my feet and started singing "I still have my joy"I got it back.  It not only activates my soul, but it heals it even when I never knew it was wounded.  Perhaps I shouldn't be surprised.  It is gospel music after all!

Jan. 28th: 3.5 Hours!

We all know how much I love theatre.  I talk about it all of the time and have blogged about it often.  So it comes as no surprise that I am going to talk about it again.

Saturday was a day full of theatre again.  And I'm not even kidding.  We literally went from one show to the other.  The reason for that was because the evening show was in Port Coquitlam and required a bit of a drive out to go see it.  Oh - and the matinee we went to see was THREE AND A HALF HOURS LONG. 

It was by far the longest show I had ever seen, but oddly enough it did not feel like the longest show I have ever seen.  I was engaged the entire way through, and completely captivated by the performances and the story. I guess Dostoyevsky can do that to you.  I'm not saying that the time flew by - it was still three and a half hours long after all.  But it was an amazing show and I am so glad that I was able to see it.  The Idiot was on my list of shows that I really wanted to see, and now I've seen it.  Sure it was three and a half hours - but it was three and a half hours of awesome!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Jan. 27th: Change of Plans

I am a planner!  I love knowing what to expect for a day or week.  But this week has been one of those weeks when I had to change a lot of plans.  And unfortunately Friday was no different.

I had originally planned to head out to PoCo again to catch the opening night of our improv show.  But instead I experienced the problem associated with having to rely on transit when planning to head as far out  as Port Coquitlam.  I made it all the way to the Braid skytrain station only to find out that the delays on my previous methods of transit had meant that I had missed the quintessential bus by 3 minutes.  Which meant there was NO way that I would make it to the show on time.

So after a brief mourning period I headed home and still enjoyed an evening of comedy at home.  NO - It wasn't the plan I had intended, but it was still an awesome night.  And with a simple change to Saturdays plans I could still see one of the opening weekend shows.  Sometimes change can be more than a good thing, sometimes it can be an awesome thing!

Jan. 26th: GALA TIME!!!

So - health had improved by Thursday but I still wasn't 100%.  But I had spent enough nights at home that I was not going to let a little congestion and headache get in my way.  I had an opening night Gala to get to and I wasn't going to miss it.

After enjoying a fairly relaxed day at work (complete with naps, and good friends offering ginger ale and chicken noodle soup to help me feel better) I made my way to the Opening Gala for Second Storey Theatre and our new show, Sudden Death Improv.  And I'm so glad that I took the time to go out and celebrate with friends!  Staying in can be good (especially when you're sick) - but we all need breaks and going out was my break from myself and feeling mopey.

It was an AWESOME night and worth the trip to PoCo!

Jan. 25th: Sick Day!

So - despite my awesome choice to stay home on Tuesday night (which was still awesome even if ineffective) I woke up on Wednesday morning feeling just as faint as I did on Tuesday and still extremely feverish.

I very rarely take sick days at work, but it seemed that this was the perfect time to take one.  I remember even back in school I rarely ever stayed home sick.  I remember us saying that the only way we would be allowed to stay home is if we were bleeding from our eyeballs.  ... That wasn't exactly true, but we were definitely the kids that would be in class with a full blown cold sneezing and coughing every couple of minutes, making all of the other kids hate us because we were spreading our germs everywhere.

I often maintain that same mentality when it comes to work, but Wednesday was a necessary day to stay at home.  And did it ever feel good!  Actually the only time it felt bad was when I got a little cabin fever and tried to do a bit of work by running a little errand that required going out to Burnaby to pick up 200 chocolate bars.  Well I got the job done, but it certainly wasn't the healthy choice.

But the sick day was the healthy choice!  I strongly recommend it for anyone who is even remotely ill.

Jan. 24th: Doing the right thing!

So - I've been out of commission for the last little while, and the reason why all started Tuesday night.  I got home early after running some errands and made myself some dinner - and then it hit me.

I became extremely faint, so I curled up on the couch in the fetal position hoping that some food and water would make me feel better.  Instead the faintness was quickly followed by a severe headache and chills.

I was looking forward to an evening of hanging out with a friend, and then going to a late night theatre show - but instead of pushing myself I made the smart choice of staying home and just sleeping through the night in hopes that I'd be better by morning.  It was a tough choice - but the right choice.  And therefore an awesome choice!  What only would have made it more awesome is if things had worked out the way I had hoped.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bonus #5: Motivation on tape!

Speaking of forced motivation - one of the ways we create it at work is with a Dance Break!  Don't believe me? Check it out.

(Sorry Andrea ... I had to do it!)

Jan. 23rd: Forced motivation!

I had a bit of problem tonight.  I had good intentions for this evening.  I wanted to get my apartment cleaned up, wanted to finally get a work out in tonight, and then hopefully read one of the scripts I've been neglecting.  And then I saw my couch.  The minute I sat on my couch - all of those good intentions went out the window.

Now I know that I love to be busy, but every once in a while I also love to relax too.  And my favourite way to relax is by sitting on my couch and getting lost in TV land.  Unfortunately TV land can often be far more distracting then I would like.  I'm usually pretty good about getting stuff done even when the TV is on, but then there are those times when I somehow convince myself that I deserve a night of doing nothing.  And maybe I do - but I also deserve a clean apartment, a healthy lifestyle, and a good read.

So while it was really hard, I somehow forced myself to get off my couch and at least tidy my apartment.  It was not easy!  But my apartments's a little cleaner now and I've put a bunch of stuff away that should have been put away a month ago.  So while I still feel guilty about not getting all of the things done that I wanted to, I do feel good about not letting myself get away with sitting back and doing nothing.  And boy is it nice to at least get something done!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Jan. 22nd: Twin vs. King

I have mentioned this aloud a number of times, but I think it's time that I wrote this ridiculousness down.  So - I don't know if people know this but when Luke and I first got together Luke had a twin sized bed.  It is at this point that I would like to remind folks that Luke is a 6'5" man, so if there is anyone who should own a larger bed size, I think he should be one of them.  Fortunately, for a short period of time, he did have a larger bed size.  But unfortunately queen size beds don't fit in family sized trucks, so when he moved to Abbotsford he went back to the twin again.

Now here's the funny thing.  The twin bed doesn't really bother me.  I bring it up because I think it's hilarious that Luke, of all people, sleeps in a twin size bed, while I come home and sleep in a King.  For me a twin is no big deal.  I pretty much sleep all night in the fetal position so I take up very little room.  On my king, I maybe take up 1/6th of the space.  Plus if I'm going to share the twin with Luke then it pretty much means a night of cuddling - which I love!

But Luke is a different story.  Whenever he sleeps in my bed he either sprawls or sleeps on the diagonal.    In fact it's very easy for the two of us to sleep in my bed and toss and turn all night without even bumping into the other person.  Which suits Luke just fine because he gets really uncomfortable at night when it's too hot - but I like to bundle myself up so much that my skin becomes hot to the touch.  So a night without cuddling is often welcomed by Luke!

You would think that we might deicide to switch beds to better suit the needs of our sleeping conditions, but the fact of the matter is that I'm selfish and LOVE my king size bed.  No - I don't roll around a lot, but I enjoy having the option.  Plus it gives Luke and excuse to come visit my apartment just so he can stretch when he sleeps.

So here's to our beds!  To the KING that allows us our space and freedom, and the TWIN that keeps us together.

Jan. 21st: A Day in Abby

I never thought I'd see the day when I would looking forward to spending a day in Abbotsford. But that day came and it was called Saturday.  Now what on earth would bring me out Abbotsford when I don't have a car?  The guy with the car who lives there - that's who.

Luke has a brand new place in Abby now, so I figured it was a good time to check out the new pad.  It's actually a really nice place with more space than mine, a better layout, and a lower rent (or at least we'll find out after he gets his hydro bill).  But I guess that's to be expected when you are living in Abbotsford.  So we decided to spend our day in Abby by going to see the matinee at Gallery 7 Theatre, and then making a trip out to Coquitlam to IKEA, then back to Abby for some cheap groceries and night of building furniture.

The day wasn't really anything special, but it was very simple and fun and involved a lot of good quality time together.  And the best part is, it didn't take a 5-hour commute to get there!  I foresee a lot more trips to Abbotsford in my near future.


Jan. 20th: A New Favourite!

Friday night was the opening night of Danny & The Deep Blue Sea at Pacific Theatre and it was an absolutely brilliant production.  In fact - I think it is my favourite production, I've ever seen.  Now, I know that is a bold statement.  The minute it came out of my mouth I questioned whether it was actually true or not.  I felt that it was true but I wanted to legitimize the statement with an actual thought process.  So I started thinking about some of my favourite shows that I have ever seen (which has been a lot) and it still came out on top.  There are lots of other shows that are among my favourites, including Studies in Motion, Ride the Cyclone, and Jesus Hopped the 'A' Train - but there is a huge difference between those shows and Danny.

The reason why I loved Danny & The Deep Blue Sea so much is because it was the perfect combination of a great script, two great actors giving amazing performances, guided by a director who knew what the priorities of the script were and how to achieve them.  The script is about two people who meet in rundown bar in the bronx after essentially hitting rock-bottom.  The beauty of the script is the relationship between these two strangers and the balance of drama, humour, and tenderness that occurs within that relationship.  And the entire crew found that perfect balance of those three elements, and I am so grateful they did because it is why this show became my favourite production.

Let it be known that just because it's MY favourite production, I do not necessarily expect other people to feel the same way.  There are a lot of great productions out there and this is just one of them.  But in my opinion the show was the perfect example of what I love most about theatre:  Just two people on stage, showing what it is like to be those people!

Thank you Jason, Lori, Aleks, and Jess for making this magic happen!

Lori Triolo and Aleks Paunovic in Danny & the Deep Blue Sea

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bonus #4: Provided by Dad!

I don't really have any thing of particular personal awesomeness to share tonight as a bonus feature.  But fortunately I have a father who knows awesome - so when he found it he sent it my way.  So I would like to share it with you.  Enjoy!

Jan. 19th: New Grocery Solutions.

So - there were a few things I could have written about today.  For instance - I could have written about seeing RED at the Vancouver Playhouse tonight.  Or getting over my embarassment of having to deal with illness while watching a live show.  Or maybe I could have written about the fact that the two times I called transit to confirm bus times today were 9:57am AND 9:57pm today - come on, what are the chances?

But no - I'm going to write about something totally nerdy like the fact that the Shoppers Drug Mart in the South Granville has moved and is now twice the size of the original location.  Yes - it's ridiculous that I'm so excited about it, but I'm not the only one.  My friends and I have talked at lengths about how excited we are about the new location.  And in fact, Andrea also blogged about Shoppers before because she knows awesome when she sees it (even if it means she's less of a hippie).

Andrea and I passed by the new Shoppers yesterday hoping to check it out, only to find out that it was opening on Monday.  But apparently they lied to us, because as I walked in to work this morning I found a number of people going in and out of the new store.  Very quickly I became one of them.  It turns out that the entire first floor of this new Shoppers is a grocery mart.  And a CHEAP grocery mart.  I bought triscuit crackers, the sun rype veggie plus juice, a big block of cheese, oreo cookies, and a box of tea for only $15!  And the best part is, this Shoppers is right on the way to the bus that takes me straight to my house - so when I leave work and realize that I'm out of eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese, cereal (or some other basic food item) then I have a quick place to pick it up without needing to spend a crazy amount of money.  

I'm such a nerd.  I know!  But you have no idea how much of a convenience this new store has added to my life.  Oh - life is AWESOME!

Bonus #3: Happy Birthday Jamie!

Okay, so it's my brother's birthday today and because I have to add in a bonus post for today, I thought I'd write him a poem.  Here we go!

Happy Birthday to you,
You're now 32.
And somehow you have
The life that you do.

A beautiful wife,
a wonderful kid,
A nice new house
where you all can live.

I don't know how
and I don't know why
but somehow you are
the luckiest guy.

Growing up you were mean,
And you still make me cry,
But deep down I know
You're a really nice guy.

You're caring and loving,
And funny and sweet.
And your hilarious antics
are a wonderful treat

So maybe your family
Is a bit lucky too.
After all, they get to
live their lives with you!

Awwwwwww.  Wasn't that cute?  And stupid? And a horrible poem?  Yes - all of the above. But whatevs.  It's the thought that counts, right!


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Jan. 18th: Puppet Mittens!

Last year I made one of the best purchases I have ever made in my life.  That purchase was a pair of mittens.  I know, right?  Weird!  But very true.  I can't think of any think of anything else that I have purchased that has given me so much joy as these mittens.  The closest I have come was when I found the perfect pair of shoes at JC Penny several years ago that had that perfect 20s style heel that I loved and were by far the most comfortable shoes I had ever owned.  I loved them so much that as soon as I put them on I did a little jig.  The difference between those shoes and these mittens is that the mittens give me that jig-like giddiness every time I put them on.  Hey - that's what happens when you put your mittens on and realize that you are immediately equipped with puppets.

I actually love my mittens so much that I had to name them.  Their names are Maximillien and Adelaide.  Yesterday was actually their first day in the winter weather, but today I was able to enjoy them to the fullest.  Yesterday I put them on and smiled and became a little giddy, but I was never really able to play with them like I did today.  The beauty of having puppet mittens is that they provide a great distraction while waiting for a bus on a cold day.  I kept looking at them and making faces at them, and making them make faces at each other.  They really are the best invention ever.  They are a great example of how you can make something purposeful like mittens into something fun.  And really they are just so gosh darn adorable.

Yup - the zebra mittens are my awesomism of the day!  Having these guys with me almost makes me wish that winter lasted longer. ... almost.

Bonus #2: Noush Like Sploosh!

There are a LOT of people in my life who I am so proud to call my friends and to have had them influence me, inspire me, and motivate me to do the things that I love to do that have inevitably lead me to be the person I am today.  Among these people is my University roommate Noush ... like Sploosh.

I still remember the day when my parents pulled up to the Concordia residence to check me in, and I noticing this beautiful and edgy girl outside who intimidated the crap out of me - but ended up being my saving grace all throughout university.  Whether it was dealing with school, relationships, or whatever other things came along - she was always there to be a guide whether she knew it or not.

While in school she was studying theatre design and animation (both of which she had incredible talents for).  But it wasn't until we had completed university that I realized that she also had an amazing talent for music - and is now a crazy awesome musician in Mumbai and Dubai ... I unfortunately don't know which is home to her right now but I have a hunch it's the latter.

Anyway - I think it's important that anyone who reads this knows how amazing this girl is and has an idea of the kind of artistry that I had the pleasure of sharing a home with for some of the more crucial years of my life.  I really hope you enjoy!

Oh ... and if you want to see her perform at TedX Dubai - you can check out that video here.  To say that I'm proud of this girl is an understatement.  I cannot wait to see what else she comes up with.

Jan. 17th: PuSh it!

Tonight was the opening night gala of of the PuSh Festival - and as expect, it was AWESOME!  I ended up having to bail on last year's gala because I became sick, but this year I was able to make it out to the party and I am SO glad I did.  There were so many great, creative people there to catch up with and we were all there to celebrate the opening what is essentially the best theatre festival in town!

And I have to say that the PuSh Festival really knows how to throw a party.  There were a number of different rooms for all the guests to go to, including live music, dancing, and comedy.  They had a photo booth set up for people to enjoy.  And they also had a button making machine on hand with a bunch of templates saying:  _______________ IS AWESOME!  You'd think I might have had something clever to put in the blank space considering that I write about awesome things every day.  But no - instead I chose to go with the most unclever thing that I say when I can't think of how else to respond.

That's right folks.  I now have a button that says YOUR FACE IS AWESOME!  It's so stupid that I think it's kinda cool.  And who doesn't like hearing/reading that their face awesome?  It's a win win!

Well - after a couple of quiet weeks, tonight pretty much started off the crazy schedule of 2012 with things happening every night for the next couple of weeks.  I'm not complaining.  I'm actually kind of excited.  I signed up for this crazy life I created for myself so clearly I enjoy my fun-filled nights out.  But it just means that I'll have a harder time fitting in that sleep I promised myself.

Speaking of which, perhaps now would be a good time to end this blog.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bonus #1: Putting it out there!

There are a few people who know that one of my biggest fears was singing solo in public.  Choral I could do.  Solo - not so much.  I've since gotten over that fear by taking pride in owning it - and being a little ridiculous with my solo voice, but with this video I'm really putting it out there.  I took this video almost two years ago when I first got my ukulele and was learning to play and wanted to try something simple.

Clearly it wasn't simple enough because there are still a number of errors, but because I seriously owe some bonus features I figured this was a good way to show how sorry I am for letting myself down and anyone else out there who actually likes to read this blog daily. ... Be gentle!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Jan. 16th: SNOW DAY!!!!

If you want to know a quick and easy way to tell a Vancouverite from those out-of-towners - just wait for the snow to fall!  You'll quickly hear a bunch of people complaining, while another bunch of people are outside with their heads back, sticking their tongues out, making snowballs, and talking smack about how "it's just a light dusting ... why on earth are they closing schools?"

Yup - I fall into that latter bunch.  I'm one of those obnoxious Ontarians who thinks Vancouverites are weak and don't know how to appreciate a good snowfall on a cold day.  Though, having been in Vancouver for a number of years now, I have to give the locals some credit and note that their complaints are not completely crazy.  The fact of the matter is Vancouver is just not equipped to handle snow and ice like other cities.  The city only has the ability to maintain major routes leaving the frequented but less important routes to be a mixture of snow and ice, people do not get much practice in how to drive in the slick conditions properly, and I think there's just generally a state of shock that happens when you look outside and see a palm tree covered in snow ... there's something just now right about it.

That being said - I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as I walked to the bus stop today all bundled up in my winter gear as these big fluffy snowflakes fell down on me.  I knew at that time that there were lots of other people stressing about the snow and what it meant for their travel plans and thus their day (Luke being one of them), but I couldn't help but smile and enjoy the winter wonderland that I rarely get to see out here on the West Coast.  Even on my way to work my bus got stuck on a street behind two more of the same kind of bus, because they had yet to figure out a way up the hill they were about to encounter.  So - without cause for concern I stepped out of the bus and walked the rest of the way to work.  I even tried to help out some fellow commuters by offering a suggestion of how they could get where they were going - but I think they were more interested in an excuse to not get where they were going. 

I really enjoyed my day in the snow!  It was that kind of snowfall that in Ontario would be the perfect amount.  Just enough to make you excited for snow time activities, but you can go without shovelling and even have the plow go by - and yet you can still easily make your way out of the driveway.  I'm not saying that I want it to keep on snowing - but I am extremely grateful for the experience of seeing at least some of the white stuff this winter.  It's a good reminder that I'm still an Ontarian at heart.

Jan. 15th: CAUGHT UP!!!!!

Today was a fairly standard Sunday.  It started with a fantastic improv workshop that was an extra hour longer than the usual improv workshops, because we only have one more week of workshops before we start doing shows.  I also found out some AWESOME news at the improv workshop but I really shouldn't post anything about it online until the news goes public and I determine whether I can fit it into my life or not.

After improv I did a little bit of tidying up around the apartment, and then made my way to the Maxstar residence for a long overdue Mario Party.  And then after a very generous ride home, I was able to catch up on some blogs .... and guess what ...

I did it!  I finally did it!  After this post, I'm all caught up with my blogs.  Sure - it's after midnight but that's beside the point.  I can go back to writing one blog at a time.  Except that I guess it will still be about 2 posts a day, as I have about a months worth of Bonus Features to post.  So - if anyone out there has any requests for posts (ie. things you want to see, hear about, crazy things you want me to do and post about) please send them my way.  I'd love some inspiration!

Jan. 14th: Planning for Love!

I love weddings!  And fortunately it seems that I have reached that time of my life when I will be attending a lot more weddings in the near future.  I already have two lined up from now until September, and I wouldn't be surprised if some more engagements are announced in 2012.  But right now I'm focused on the two I have coming, and specifically the one coming up in September.

I've been a bridesmaid for a few weddings in my life, but September will be my first time ever being a bridesmaid out here in Vancouver.  And I am SO excited.  Saturday we had our first "meet the Wedding Party" meeting and it was so much fun.  I loved getting to know everyone else a little bit better, and (because I'm a weirdo) I LOVED sitting down to talk about all of the things that need to get done between now and the wedding date, and assigning people to each of those tasks.  ... Hmm, maybe I should plan events for a living.

I know that it's still over 8 months away, but I cannot wait to do some hands on help for this wedding and be up there with Natalie to support her on her big day!  I also know how quickly 8 months can fly by, so perhaps I should pace myself and just enjoy each wedding planning day at a time.  Natalie - if you need any help with anything, you know where to find me!  

Jan. 13th: Change of Plans!

After too many days of me being difficult I wanted to try to do something nice for Luke on Friday.  He had been talking for a while about how much he wanted to see HUGO.  And since the last time we went to the theatres, he was extremely accommodating and indulged me in my decision to go see the Muppets, I figured that it was only appropriate that I treat him to a night out of seeing HUGO.

But evening plans got a little confusing when Luke received some unfortunate then fortunate news about housing that made him stay in Abbotsford just a little longer than he normally would have.  In the end we ended up meeting at my apartment and then were planning to go to the theatre from there.  But there was a lot of time to kill before the movie so we thought we could sneak in an episode of Sherlock on Netflix before heading out.  WISHFUL THINKING!

It turns out that when we both lay down together and start cuddling, we both end up getting kind of sleepy.  Which meant that instead of us watching a quick episode and then heading to the theatre, we both enjoyed a VERY long nap.  My body is still getting used to all of this sleep, so after sleeping for over an hour I woke up and started working on some things (like the blog, finally uploading New Orleans photos to my facebook page, etc.) but Luke's a pro and was able to sleep through the night.

Sure - I'm just ever so disappointed that we never made it out to the movie, but I would never want to change how we ended up spending the evening.  Sometimes things happen for a reason.  And I'm pretty sure we'll get another chance to go see Hugo before it leaves theatres.

Jan. 12th: Pub night in Kits!

Thursday was a great evening.  It had some rough patches (caused by my being a wee bit crazy/emotional this past week) but I realized that I had a choice to make the evening difficult and unpleasant by staying in a mood, or I could get over myself have a nice night out.  So I gulped up my pride and it turned out to be a GREAT night.

Luke and I met up with his former roommate Lisa at her apartment (where he had lived when we first met) and then we went out for drinks and food at one of my favourite pubs - The Wolf and Hound.  True to form, we all ended up getting the Fish and Chips special, but Luke and I took it one step further by taking advantage of the drink specials too.

It was great to catch up with Lisa and revisit Luke's first home in Vancouver.  Kitsilano is a really beautiful place and I often miss it. I have a lot of found memories associated with Kits including my first apartment, the quick and easy (and frequent) walks to the beach, and of course Luke's and my first date and our stroll along Jericho!  I'm so glad that I didn't let my sour mood get in the way of creating more great memories.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Jan. 11th: Relaxation!

Yup - it was a night off and I pretty much just slept and relaxed.  What is more awesome than that?  Oh wait - coming home to a home cooked meal.  That's pretty darn awesome!  We all know how much I hate to cook, so when I come home feeling faint and sick, to find out that my boyfriend had a meal waiting for me was amazing!  And it was made all the more amazing with him realizing that I wasn't feeling well and letting me take the time I needed to just sit back relax and feel better, all while he went for a walk to get some more food that would help make me feel better.  Super sweet, right?

Unfortunately I find myself in a predicament now.  Luke has gotten into a habit of being super sweet, and understanding that I think I have now come to a point where I expect nothing less.  And that is NOT a good place.  I don't ever want to take his kindness for granted, so I am adding to my resolution that I become a better partner by remembering to express my thanks and love for all of those little things that often go unnoticed.  The key will be to make sure to do it even during those times when I'm cranky and being irrational.

This new resolution is going to be a lot more challenging than the first - but I am confident I can do it.  I'd better!  Otherwise, I'm going to be the one to pay the price.

Jan. 10th: Meet only when necessary!

After two meetings on the Monday, I followed up the next day with another couple of meetings.  I know some people absolutely hate meetings.  I generally don't mind them.  I actually the opportunity to gather as a group to debrief projects, or come up with new ones.  What I don't enjoy about meetings is when they are entirely unproductive and unnecessary.  But I am glad to say that the Tuesday meetings were neither of those things.

The first meeting (that ended up taking WAY longer than we expected) was an important debrief meeting to discuss all of the things that had happened in December (ie. the donation campaign, A Christmas Carol, and Christmas Presence).  It was good to look at all of the efforts that were put in to making them work, and then finding out that in the end everything went really well - all things considered.  Then the meeting turned into a strategizing meeting for next season, which was also extremely helpful.  If nothing else, we are at least all on the same page as far as our understanding of the next season goes.  And that's pretty awesome!  Then my second meeting was with a potential apprentice for next season.  Often we don't have those meetings until March, so to get a head start on that was also pretty darn awesome.

But most awesome of all was finally confirming the status of another planned meeting.  The confirmed status: CANCELLED!  Why?  Because the low attendance of the meeting made the whole point of meeting irrelevant.  Now that I've signed up for so many other external projects, I have realized how much I value my time off.  So to hear that this evening was cancelled was a huge relief!

So - What did I do with my new found night off?  Enter the Jan. 11th blog post!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Jan. 9th: This Chair needs a booster seat!

So - in addition to becoming the VP of the Jessies this season, I was also named one of the co-representatives of BC theatres for PACT - the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres.  In case anyone is curious as to what PACT is, it's essentially the National organization representing almost all of the professional theatres companies across Canada.  Every year they hold a conference and AGM where all of the members are invited to attend to come to decisions about what matters to professional theatres on a national scale (ie. federal funding, labour relations with artist unions, etc.).  Those who attend the conference are usually either the Artistic Directors or General Managers of each company, which I am neither.  But even so - I am one of the representative of the BC Region of theatres and to say that the position scares the crap out of me, is an understatement.

I took the position because I thought it would be a great way to be more involved in theatre on a National scale.  Since being in the position I have been a part of conference calls with theatres from every province and have a greater understanding of what kind of issues are happening where.  Generally it has been great so far, but on Jan. 9th I had to take on my greatest responsibility yet - chairing my first meeting.

It was really exciting, but at the same time I couldn't help but acknowledge that I was chairing a meeting with Artistic Directors present who have been working in theatre longer than I have been alive.  I consider so many of them to be my mentors and my aspirations.  Chairing a meeting and leading this group in conversation was indeed intimidating.  But I think I did a decent job.  Fortunately my co-chair was there with me taking notes, so not all responsibilities fell to me (which I was extremely grateful for).  But to go into the meeting lacking the confidence I felt I needed, and still leave feeling like I held my own and facilitated the meeting in a way that allowed new conversations, but still kept on task with the original agenda was an awesome feeling.

That being said - I am grateful that my co-rep will be responsible for chairing the next meeting, so that the spotlight will be off me.  Turns out that I only like being the centre of attention in very specific scenarios.  Who knew?

Jan. 8th: House Hunting!

I love house hunting!  Moving is whole different story - but going around to different places, looking at the different locations, apartment layouts and features, meeting the different landlords, then comparing the costs and benefits of each place until you find one that best suits your needs is actually a lot of fun.  So - when Luke decided to spend a portion of Sunday doing some house hunting in Abbotsford where he is now working, I was thrilled to join him.  I got all the benefits of house hunting without any of the stress of having to move.  Nice!

We ended up only looking at one place that day.  It was nice, but not absolutely spectacular.  We found out that it required a minimum 6 month lease which wasn't exactly conducive to Luke's 4 month co-op so that made the decision a little easier.  Still - it was nice to see what money can buy in Abbotsford compared to Vancouver.  The difference is quite significant and just a little bit upsetting.  It certainly wouldn't be worth it for me to live there and commute to Vancouver just to save a bit of money - especially considering that my commute would be especially long/expensive taking transit.  But for Luke to cut down his commute by paying a modest rent in Abbotsford is definitely worth it to him.

I'm personally content with my small, but rather spacious (as far as I'm concerned) 1-bedroom basement apartment in Vancouver with one of the more modest rents I have heard of out here.  Sure - a change might be nice, but that's what visits to Abbotsford are for!

Jan. 7th: The Yin and the Yang!

After having a fairly relaxed week, we made up for the quiet nights at home with a full day out on the town.  First - we decided to go check out a movie and because I wasn't sure how much longer it was going to be in the theatres, we went to go see The Muppets.

I thought the movie was amazing, and not just because it was created by and featured my celebrity boyfriend.  It was amazing because it was a funny cheezy hilarious and topical musical, featuring The Muppets.  Oh the Nostalgia!  Yes - of course it was sad to hear Kermit sound a little different but the intention was there and by the end I even got a little teary-eyed.  Who doesn't love The Muppets?

After the movie, we then headed to the theatre to see the latest apprentice project.  I knew what we were in for, but it was only when Luke read the notes in the program that he realized that we were no longer in Smalltown, USA.  Nope!  We were heading to Nanking 1937 - which if you are like me and did not know much about what happened there at that time, then you might want to look into the book The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust.  You might think the title tells you all that you need to know, but I think I can attest to the fact that it doesn't.  The author of the book, Iris Chang, was actually the inspiration for the main character in the play called A Nanking Winter by Canadian playwright Marjorie Chan.

Going from bouncing up and down in my seat with excitement, to cowering in my seat hoping that the atrocities would end was a very weird but invaluable experience.  I don't know if we needed to follow it up with watching the movie Seven Pounds when we got home - but hey, I guess if you want to end things on a depressing note then you might as well end things on a depressing note that is at least heartwarming. Right?

Jan. 6th: The 12th Day of Christmas Party!

When someone holds a Christmas Party a week into the New Year, it's already awesome!  But when you realize that you are actually celebrating Christmas on the 12th Day of Christmas (according to some cultures) then the awesomeness is .... duodecupled! ... the only slightly made up word meaning multiplied by 12.

I was so excited to be invited to Luke's sister's post-Holidays Christmas Party that I almost literally went with bells on, until I realized how quickly those bells would become exceedingly obnoxious.  I know that's never really stopped me before, but I was going to be with people I had never met before and I thought my own personality involved more obnoxiousness than most people could handle, so I decided to leaves the bells at home - and instead just go in my festive red and green with a big red bow in my hair.  ... you see what I mean about the obnoxiousness.

It was so much fun.  Mulled wine!  Delicious food spread!  Vegetables (much sought after post New Orleans cuisine)! And a good crowd of new people!  All of the makings of a great party.  Unfortunately the holidays tuckered a lot of people out I think, because the party didn't last much beyond midnight, but at least we made it that far.  I have a feeling that it was the last of the parties for this holiday season.  Only 11 more months to go until the next ones start up again!  ... good thing there are more holidays in between to make the wait time more bearable.  :D

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Jan. 5th: Sticking with a Resolution!

Okay - so I still have a lot of catching up to do - but part of the reason for that is because I have been sticking with my New Years Resolution.  What was that resolution?  GETTING MORE SLEEP!

The day in which was most challenging in terms of my resolution was January 5th when I ended up in bed at 8:30pm.

I'm not going to lie - it was highly upsetting to me to be sitting in my bed, looking at a clock that said 8:30pm when I knew that most other nights I would only be half way through the first act of a show at that time.  After getting home just before midnight most evenings, being in bed before 9pm was a huge and unpleasant shock to the system. But after a moment of bitching and moaning, I somehow made the most of it.  I sat in bed and caught up on some blogging and still managed to get to sleep by 11 or so.

So really, it was probably the best thing for me.  I suppose I should apologize to Luke for my crankiness that night, and thank him for helping me live a healthier lifestyle.  Well at least someone's looking after me!

Jan. 4th: Inappropriate Game Playing!

After some time away it was great to have a night of hanging out with some good friends while playing some good games.  And by 'good' games, I of course mean 'inappropriate' games.  Games such as Cards Against Humanity!

For anyone who has ever played Apples to Apples - Cards Against Humanity is essentially the same game, except that it's for horrible people such as myself.  In Apples to Apples the dealer chooses an adjective (green apples) then everyone in the circle has a handful of nouns (red apples) and choose the best noun that suits the adjective. The dealer then reads out all of the chosen nouns and chooses the one they think best suits the adjective and whomever put down that noun gets a point.  The key to the game: KNOW YOUR JUDGE.  Cards Against Humanity works essentially the same way - except that the card that the dealer flips over is rarely ever an adjective.  Instead it can be a question, a statement, or sometimes even a two parter!  And while the cards in your hand are always a person place or thing - sometimes that thing is an action.

For example - here are some of the match-ups that I remember from that night.  These were both winners that I put down.  My cards are in bold.

Dealer Card: And the Academy Award goes to ___________, the story of ____________.
Response:  And the Academy Award goes to Penis Envy, the story of Her Royal Highness, Queen Elizabeth II.

Dealer Card: The other night when I was tripping on acid  ___________ turned into __________.
Response: The other night when I was tripping on acid Copping a Feel turned into I'm Friends With Your Dad on Facebook.

Somehow Luke and I ended up tying the game with 11 points each.  Clearly we are the most inappropriate ones in the group.  But it was a really fun way to spend a night with friends after being away from them for so long.  I'm looking forward to the next game night!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Jan. 3rd: First Day at Work!

Oddly enough - my awesomism for January 3rd has very little to do with me (especially since my first day back at work was the 2nd), but rather pertains to Luke's circumstance.  To provide a bit of background (especially to anyone who hasn't read the He Has Jobs post yet) - Luke has been in the classroom for the last 16 months straight, taking courses for his Mechanical Engineering degree.  This term he was finally able to take a break from the lectures and labs, with a co-op placement in Abbotsford.

Well Jan. 3rd was his first day on the job and I am pretty sure that I was more excited for this day than he was.  Perhaps that's because I had no reason to be nervous and anxious as well - but that's beside the point.  When he got home at the end of the day I couldn't wait to hear how the day went - and as expected it went splendidly.  He's working with a great group of people, doing a job he's pretty excited about, and even gets to have his own (dare I say bawlin') office.

All in all - things are looking up!  Next on the list is finding a place to live.  But thanks to his AWESOME girlfriend, he still has a bit of time until he needs to really worry about it.

Jan. 2nd: From beautiful to beautiful!

Here's the thing about leaving an amazing vacation in a beautiful city and arriving home in Vancouver - it still feels like vacation!  As our plane was descending into Vancouver (after midnight and therefore taking place on the 2nd, making this blog post legit) I had this overwhelming sense of excitement and pride.  I was sad to say good-bye to such a great vacation - but I was thrilled to look out of my window to see the city lights, the glow from the lights on Grouse Mountain, and the faint glistening of the ocean and realize "This is where I call home."

I have to admit that I don't get that feeling when I go to Hamilton.  When I head to Ontario my excitement comes from knowing that I will get to see my family and friends, but not from the geography itself.  When I arrive in Vancouver I get excited about my friends, my work, and the city itself!  And I think that's pretty awesome.

That being said - I am still really craving a trip to Ontario.  Soon enough!  Soon enough.

Jan.1st: Starting the New Year off right - with some grits!

Well after a great night out we ended up making our way back to our hotel through the craziness of the French Quarter in time to get to bed before 1pm.  Which was necessary as our roomies needed to catch an early flight home.  We bid farewell to them and then enjoyed just a bit more sleep before we needed to pack up and check out of the room.

Fortunately we were able to leave our bags at the hotel so that we could continue enjoying our last day in this beautiful city.  The day started with an early lunch at the famous MOTHERS restaurant.  I ended up getting a breakfast, complete with grits.  They were a bit weird and bland, but overall the grits weren't too bad.  Plus - it was the perfect way to end my Nawlins food tour.

After brunch, we walked across the street to the location where Jenn and Bob's officially got married in February - which was one of my favourite moments of the whole trip.  Then we decided that before we had to head back to the airport that we would take one last trip to the Garden district and head to The Bulldog where they served what was probably the most delicious beers I have ever had - Covington Strawberry Beer (Jenn - did I get that right?)  Now I've had some delicious beers before, namely the Raspberry beer served at Brutopia in Montreal.  But there was something about this strawberry that was just so gosh darn refreshing.

After enjoying one last drink with friends it was back to the hotel to fetch our bags, and then off to the airport.  Now if only we could get past all those Saints fans!

I cannot thank Bob and Jenn enough for making sure that we got our butts out to New Orleans to see them.  The wedding was amazing, and I am so thrilled that I was able to be there to support them while being able to explore such a beautiful city.  It was an unforgettable experience that I will cherish always. Congratulations to you both and may you have a long and love-filled marriage!

I will miss you beaded trees!

Dec. 31st: It's a baby - not a gumbo pot!

Yet another fantastic day in New Orleans.  Oddly enough it started out with a city tour which probably would have made more sense to do at the beginning of the trip, but we lacked the forethought to plan that far ahead.  Even so, it was a fantastic tour and extremely educational.  New Orleans has so much history and even touched on some of its more recent history with Katrina.  It was a little weird and upsetting to be in a tour bus going through the residential areas that were affected by Katrina (hello voyeurism).  At the same time, it was really interesting to see how much devastation still existed 6 years later.  My favourite part of the tour was seeing and learning about the tombs.  The whole process and reason for them is fascinating and I was even able to figure out where the phrase "getting the shaft" came from.

After the tour we spent some time in the French Quarter, again, filling up on some more beignets and cruising the French Market for a bit before heading right back down to that area to begin the New Years Eve festivities.

I don't know how many people know this, but apparently it was a long running tradition in New Orleans to have a "Baby Drop" at midnight to celebrate the New Year.  To clarify - no one was literally dropping any babies.  It was essentially like the New York ball drop - except it was in the shape of a baby.  Anyway, apparently people found it offensive and so instead of having the "Baby Drop" they now have the "Fleur-de-Lis Drop".  But for the sake of reminding everyone of the good times with the Baby, they still have the New Years Baby on top of Jackson Brewery, right next to where the Fleur-de-Lis gets dropped.

Well apparently there was some debate at dinner over whether they actually had the Baby Drop, or if it was something else entirely.  Apparently after doing a Google search, someone at the table had 'confirmed' that it wasn't a baby, but in fact a gumbo pot that just happened to look like a baby.  Well - having actually seen the baby at the top of the Brewery - we made sure to quash that confirmation and assure that it was in fact a baby.  Here's a picture of the object in question!

I know it's kind of small and far away, but if you click on it then you can see it a little closer up.  And I have to say - if that's a Gumbo Pot, then I don't think I can ever have gumbo again!

Other Awesome Things from the last day of 2012:
  • Having chronically late friends actually show up early for waiting for the bus, but in the process of waiting still ended up being late for bus once it arrived
  • Learning about the history of all of the places we had already explored on our own
  • Finding and purchasing souvenirs from the trip
  • Delicious wood-fired pizza and MORE bloody marys
  • Wearing sparkly things (what I lacked in Sequins I tried to make up for in glitter, bedazzling, and hair beads)
  • The drum sphere and the screaming girl who claimed to be a musician
  • The all-female brass band called THE ORIGINAL PINETTES (best music experience of the trip)
  • A delightful stop-off at the French Market outdoor cafe for a last little bite before the Fleur-de-Lis drop
  • Overhearing a conversation between some very horny nerdy virgins (self-admitted) and their attractive and intoxicated female friend (also a virgin and avid lover of Christ) ... perhaps this was more awkward than awesome
  • The anti-climactic Fleur-de-Lis drop, followed by Fireworks on the Mississippi River
  • And just generally ... getting to end 2011 with the same group of people who helped to ring it in!  

Dec. 30th: A Day Filled with love!

WEDDING DAY!!!! The whole reason for the New Orleans trip had finally arrived.  Bob and Jenn were finally going to have their wedding.  We were all pretty darn excited to celebrate in the afternoon - but what to do with our morning?  Well - the obvious answer was to do what everyone has been telling us to do since we arrived.  Get some beignet down at Cafe Du Monde!

It was really the most appropriate thing for us to do on that day because it definitely put me in the loving mood.  3 deliciously fluffy doughnuts absolutely doused in confectioner's sugar (approximately half a bag on each plate) for $2.50.  How can you not love that?

I'm sure something else happened in between the beignet and the wedding, but I don't really remember it.  So it was off to the wedding to watch Jenn and Bob get hitched at a beautiful venue overlooking the Mississippi River.  I knew that the wedding was going to be awesome because Jenn is awesome, and Bob is awesome and I know how to do basic math!  But I don't think that I was ready for the epicness that was their wedding.  If I had to describe how awesome the wedding was - I think I can sum it up in one detail: the bride walked down the aisle to the beautiful and romantic sounds of a harpist ... playing 'Don't Stop Believing'.  Yes - as I said - I have the best and most awesome friends ever!

Dec. 29th: Garden District and Jazz

There was only one day that we had off this trip to do whatever we pleased.  And so we took advantage as best as we could.  While barhopping the night before we ended up having a great and lengthy chat with one of Bob's friends from Baton Rouge who happened to be a fellow historian getting his PhD in (get this) the history of New Orleans.  So - it made sense that we take his advice in terms of what we should see while in town.  And of course the one area he wanted to make sure we saw was the Garden District.  So that's where we spent our day off:  wandering around looking at these huge mansions built for single families.  The houses in the Garden District are quite literally awesome.

Fortunately as we were walking in the Garden District we stumbled on Magazine Street - which if you haven't heard is the street to be on if you want to go shopping.  Awesome shops with so much character!  Let's just leave it at that.  So after an afternoon of wandering around, we decided to spend our one free evening doing what is required of every New Orleans visitor ... we went to see some Jazz.

One might have expected us to head to Bourbon Street for our jazz, but with all of the commercialism and debauchery on it now - the jazz found a new home on Frenchmen St.  So that's where we went!  The one bar that we had intended on going to was completely full but the awesome thing about Frenchmen street is that if you can't get in to one place - there's another one right next door!  We ended up at Maison and it was awesome.  We found a table for us and ended up having a lovely night with good friends and more fantastic Cajun flavour!

Other awesome parts of DAY 2:
  • Waking up to find out that but not only do I talk in my sleep, but I apparently refuse requests to stop my bedmate from snoring ... twice! ... sorry Britty.
  • Walking out the door wearing a sleeveless top in December, and it being completely normal
  • Taking the historic trolley
  • Seeing really nice houses, with really beat up sidewalks and roads (caused by the roots of the beautiful trees lining the streets)
  • Thinking that splitting a plate of pasta and a sandwich was a good way to have a light snack, only to find out that one plate of pasta SHOULD be two plates, and that their idea of a sandwich requires an entire loaf of french bread (FYI, the muffelata is delicious even when not fresh out of the oven)
  • The Antique and Upcycled Shops on Magazine Street
  • Having lunch for dinner as well (FYI, the muffelata is delicious even when not fresh out of the oven)
  • More Bloody Marys! Alongside Crawfish balls and queso fries
  • Having the right sized cab show up at exactly the right moment

Monday, January 09, 2012

Dec. 28th: Southern Hospitality!

So - pretty much as soon as we landed in New Orleans, we knew that the trip was going to be even more amazing than whatever we expected it to be.  We removed the many layers we left Canada in and enjoyed a warm and beautiful (not cool and rainy - like we expected) holiday.

Now let me tell you something - I may have been to the southern state of Florida before, but it wasn't until my trip to New Orleans that I actually became acquainted with the 'Southern Hospitality' everyone refers to.  I know some people get offended when they are called Ma'am - thinking that it's a reference to them being older than they want to be.  But I think the real reason why those people are getting offended is because they are just not hearing it right.  I can tell you that with that Southern drawl, any Miss, Ma'am, Darling, Sweetheart, and Sir comes off as nothing else but a cordial way of showing respect.  And I loved it!

Know what else I love? Being asked right after picking up baggage whether we needed a taxi, and following the gentleman (without cause for concern) to his taxi - then arriving at the hotel around 10am and being able to check-in right away all thanks to the sweet and hilarious woman at the front desk!

Oh yeah - and all these other things:


  • Cast Iron Balconies
  • Old school lanterns with flames instead of lightbulbs
  • Bloody Marys - Done Right! (ie. adding some spices tomato juice and cajun infused vodka)
  • Cajun Cuisine: etouffee, jambalaya, gumbo, and Gator Po' Boy
  • Take-Out Cocktails
  • The beautiful Jackson Square
  • Sitting on a park bench in Jackson Square sipping on our take-out daiquiri and bellini, watching the couple next to us getting kicked out because they brought their dog in (Yup - We were the rule abiding ones in that situation)
  • $5 Wine at the Grocery Store (which sells in Canada for at least $15)
  • Bar Hopping in the French Quarter
  • Water Fountains with Fire in Them
  • Making Jenn and Bob do ridiculous things 
  • The debauchery that is Bourbon Street (ie. Girls dancing in the street for money - and no one batting an eye)  
  • Seeing Policemen lined up on horses as if they were part of the Nazgul from Lord of the Rings

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Dec. 27th: Best friends EVER!!!

I often brag about having the best group of friends ever.  They are smart, beautiful, hilarious, sweet, and saucy and some of the most caring people in the world.  But if there was any chance of me forgetting how awesome they are, Andrea Loewen quashed that possibility by becoming mega-awesome.  That's right!  She took her awesome and multiplied it by 10 to the power of 6.  How, you might ask?  Well, sit down and I'll tell you a tale.

So this silly little girl Alison was finishing up work hurriedly so that she could catch a bus to the Seatac airport so that she could enjoy a magnificent holiday vacation in New Orleans.  But being the silly girl that she is, she left her cell phone at work.  Now - Alison was in hurry to catch the bus as she had timed her trip out perfectly so that any delay in her travels would affect all subsequent modes of transportation and could result in her not getting to New Orleans.  And she couldn't have that!!! But she also needed her phone so that she could make contact with her friends who she would be meeting in New Orleans (and she also just spent a ridonkulous amount of money to be able to contact her friends with her cell phone).  So Alison tried to figure out a way to get her phone without destroying her impeccable timeline.  "AH-HA!" She exclaimed!  "I'll call Andrea.  She's still at work and would have time to get the phone to me before the bus comes.  It's a long shot but it's worth a try."  So Alison called Andrea and explained the situation before asking the immense favour, and Andrea said "Of course I'll help you.  You are my friend and you need help, and I'd be happy to go 40 minutes out of my way to help you out because that's what awesome friends do.  And, in case you didn't know, I am awesome!" And so Andrea crossed busy streets, and travelled on hot and sweaty buses, and jam-packed trains to give Alison her cell phone.  And Alison was so pleased that when she saw Andrea she gave her a big, long and slightly awkward hug. And as Alison rode down the escalator, waving good-bye, on the way to her bus a single tear rolled down her cheek as she thought of the kindness and beauty that was Andrea Loewen.

And that's pretty much exactly how it happened.  And you might be thinking to yourself "Well my friend would do the same for me?" To which I would reply "Maybe.  Maybe your friend WOULD do that for you.  But my friend DID do that for me." And you just can't argue with that.  Case closed.  Best friends ever!

Dec. 26th: Super Sales!

Know what's awesome about working by yourself on a stat holiday?  You don't feel guilty about giving yourself a little break to check out the crazy sales happening only a block away from you.

See - I work in the South Granville area of Vancouver.  It's an awesome and slightly dangerous area to be in all the time, because there area so many amazing shops and boutiques that call to you.  But fortunately today they were having some crazy sales - because it's BOXING DAY!!!

I went to a few places but knowing that I was soon going to be heading to New Orleans made me keep my budget in check and I managed to leave them empty handed.  (High five, me!) But then came the destroyer!  ANTHROPOLOGIE.  As soon as this store opened two blocks from my work place I knew I'd be in trouble.  Fortunately the store is generally so far out of my price range that I'm usually okay with coming out of there unscathed.  I put the blinders on and head straight for the sales section - but even the sales (though good deals) can be a bit pricey.  But on boxing day - 95% off?  SURE!

Yes - the unthinkable happened.  I managed to purchase a skirt at Anthropologie for $10!!!!  I don't even know how it happened.  But I know that it did.  Because that skirt is a part of my wardrobe now.  I have yet to wear it, but that day will come soon enough.  Maybe even tomorrow, who knows? The key thing is - HOLY AWESOME BATMAN!  $10 sexy striped pencil skirt from Anthropologie!  Best break ever!!!

Dec. 25th: Santa Came! Santa Came!

Even though I was waking up in a totally different house - Santa didn't forget me.  As per usual - I was spoiled this Christmas!  I woke up thinking there might be small little treat for me under that tree (just so that I wouldn't feel left out) but apparently I was a good girl this year.

The Christmas morning wasn't exactly the one I was used to.  No one jumped on my bed screaming "It's Christmas! It's Christmas!" There were no massively huge stocking to go through.  And there wasn't any Kringle (that's my fault and no one elses).  But there was a feast and there were presents and a whole lot of love!  Just what every Christmas should have.  I think I ended up walking out of there with two gift bags packed to the brim filled with presents and delicious Christmas baking (*Sidenote: I may have missed on kringle, but I did discover that almond cookies are delicious.  Especially when they come straight from the oven!)

We also had a big delicious meal complete with turkey and the works (I'm pretty sure it's mandatory on Christmas)!  But even though it was very similar to what I expected from a Christmas Day, there were a few additional fun things that were added.  Like a game of Settlers of Catan with Luke and his younger sister!  And most exciting was a short but beautiful walk through the forest to the beach.  And that was pretty special.

Yes - I definitely missed my family.  But I know that if I weren't going to spend my Christmas with them, that they would have wanted me surrounded by good people who love me and treat me well.  And I can assure them that that's exactly what I did!  MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Dec. 24th: Christmas with Family

I know that Christmas Eve isn't Christmas - but this year it kind of was.  I headed to the island for Christmas this year to spend the weekend with Luke's family. Hey - if I couldn't be with my own I definitely needed to be with some family.

Fortunately my family was going outside of their usual Christmas Day tradition and moving the usual Dec. 25th shenanigans to the 24th.  So as I was getting ready to leave my apartment I decided to save some packing space and join my family in opening up my presents with them ... or at least at the same time as them.  That way during my busy trip to the Island I could call them to ask how their Christmas was going and thank them for all of the lovely gifts.  And there were oodles!

It was a little weird to talk to them about Christmas presents while waiting at a ferry terminal watching the rain pour over the ocean on Dec. 24th - but nothing about this Christmas was 'normal' to me so it kind of worked that it was so different.  I was able to talk to the whole family before hopping on the boat to meet up with Luke and his family.  I've heard them say that Christmas was all about being with family - so while I didn't quite make it to Ontario, I think I did my best to make that saying as true as possible.  

Dec. 23rd: Ugly Christmas Sweaters

So apparently 10 years ago 3 guys decided to host an extremely cheesy and awesome Christmas party at their house, which eventually became the beginning of one of the best annual events EVER - The Ugly Christmas Sweater Party!

Fortunately for me, I was able to check out this ridiculously awesome event by providing some of the entertainment.  That's right - the VOC Sweet Soul Gospel Choir started the party on the 23rd and got that Christmas Spirit flowing!  Unfortunately our choir started a little early before the party got into full swing, and I was not able to stay for the whole thing. But even in the only partially filled room I experienced a whole lot of awesome.  We took those ugly sweaters to Church and they LOVED it - as I knew they would.  Find some people who like cheesy epicness and booze, and give them some gospel Christmas music to dance along to - and there you'll find a party!!!

And to put that final cherry on top of this delicious Christmas Sundae - the whole event happened at one of my favourite music venues in the city - The Commodore.  It also happens to be the same venue where we hold the Jessies every year.  So I have been on the stage before (twice actually but we don't count the first time ... right Heather and Kim?).  But I have never performed on the stage before.  And while I'm definitely no 'singer' or 'musician' - having the honours to perform on that stage was pretty freaking fabulous!  Definitely a night I will never forget.  What a way to start the Holidays!

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Dec. 22nd: Soulful Music and Dapper Kids

We had our annual Christmas concert on December 22nd, and as always it was spectacular!  Last year we had over 1000 people lean back together at once.  This year, we had almost everyone in the crowd join hands to form a love chain ... love train!

It's always an amazing show, but what made this year's show extra special for me was a young boy (maybe 8 or 9 years old) in the front row with crisp black pants, a white collared shirt, suspenders, and an awesome hat.  The boy had style!  He was a young Checo in the making.  He even had the energy because he was always getting up and dancing along.  Then at the end of the show I got to see him in his blazer too and I just about died!  I don't know if I've seen grown men look as classy as that little boy did.  I hope that if I ever have a little boy, that I can make him look half as good as that little boy did.

So - I hear that there is actually footage of this year's concert online.  I cannot seem to find the link, but I was able to find the video of us on the Timmy's Telethon.  So here is the video of us singing one of my favourite songs in our Christmas repertoire!  I hope you enjoy watching as much as I clearly do singing it.

Monday, January 02, 2012

Dec. 21st: Final preparations!

Before Christmas could come there were still a number of things that I had to get done and they only day for me to do them was on Wednesday.  Unfortunately I wasn't able to get everything done that I had wanted to, but I did manage to clean the apartment, do laundry, feed myself a decent meal, and catch up on some much needed sleep.

The Christmas gift for my niece did not got finished (and is actually still awaiting completion), but considering how much I've been pushing myself recently (and how she is not yet at an age where her memory has fully developed) I figured she might forgive me for being a little late.

It's getting there, but it definitely still has a ways to go.  What's most important here is acknowledging that having a night off in the apartment before the chaos Christmas was pretty fantastic!

Dec. 20th: He has jobs!

Sometimes having a long distance relationship can work out really well.  For instance - when I started my relationship with Luke I really wanted to focus my time on some artistic projects and endeavours.  Fortunately with the distance between us and the lack of distraction, I was able to maintain that focus and get a lot of things accomplished.  That being said - after almost 2 years of having to take ferries to see each other, I was craving some closer proximity.

Fortunately Luke is in a co-op program at school which means that he has work terms every so often.  And it just so happened that a place in Abbotsford (approximately an hour from Vancouver) was looking for some help.  So - Luke now has a job! In the lower mainland! Making drawings of impact wrenches (something that he is really excited about)! And more money as an undergrad than I do as someone with 2 degrees and 5 years experience in my field!  Wait - that last part wasn't very positive. 

Seriously though - I'm excited for four months of a somewhat normal relationship.  We actually get the chance to see each other EVERY weekend if we want to.  And possibly even more.  He can actually attend opening nights at the theatre with me.  And participate in game nights with friends!  I don't know if I'm ready for this drastic change, but I'm certainly excited for it!

Dec. 19th: Returning the Favour

OK - so yes - LOTS of catching up to do.  So no wasting time talking about it.  Let's just get 'er done.

After a lovely visit from my parents I was able to do something that I don't know if I have ever really had the ability to do before.  My parents have always gone above and beyond for me by going out of there way to move me to Montreal, constantly ship/bring things over to me in Vancouver, and the countless little trips to run errands just to make my life a little bit easier and better.

Well it wasn't much but on their way to their flights I was able to do a tiny little thing to make their lives easier and better.  It involved an early morning commute to the airport to deliver the much desired salmon pate that my Mom always gets when she visits Vancouver (or always requests when I head home to Ancaster).  To me it really was nothing, especially since I get up fairly early anyway.  But they were extremely grateful for the gesture.

Obviously there is no way that I can return all of the favours that they have done for me since my birth, but it was nice knowing that I was actually able to do one of those unnecessary but greatly appreciated favours for them.  Hopefully someday I can payback the rest of them.